Welcome Internet.com Traveler

Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Helping Justice

Next business item: My Gentleman In Charge of Video Tightness (MGCVT), Dave Halliday needs votes to be crowned the Omega Supreme of Video's on Current TV. http://www.current.tv/make/vc2/sot

You need to vote for the video with the pic on the left. Do it. Do it or you are a filthy communist. He can win this thing which means he would be the winner. Winning is better than losing. Fact.


Hey dudes and non-dudes, we are gearing up for the Latest Poonanza. Dec 15 at the Warehouse Theater. More details to come as we get closer but some funny shizzle is in the works.

I was sick yesterday so no blog. I am sorry.

The 'at work blog streak' is still in tact...It is holding on by a thread.

No one cares at all.

Great talk.


You shutup.

You are not the boss of me.

You need a boss you idiot.

You're the idiot.

Nice one, did you use your quick comic mind for that?

No...I mean yes. Shutup.

No wonder you don't get invited to parties.

What parties?


I hate you.

Good, at least you aren't dead inside.

See you tomorrow blog reader person.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I had a blast performing at the University of Maryland last night. Special thanks to the Bureau, Andy LoPresto, and all the boys for having Ryan, Jay, and me out there. The crowd was really fun and it was an awesome time. Thanks to everyone that came out.

I have a pretty nasty cold right now. I had it last night. I wanted to do some improv with the Bureau guys but I was so out of it. I screwed up a couple of jokes but the crowd didn't really notice or maybe I didn't notice them noticing. Either way, it was fun.org.

You get nothing else today.

Monday, November 27, 2006

My Attic? It's At The Top Of My House Near My Roof...

That was a line from the Jerky Boys. If you don't know, ask.

As you've probably heard, Justin Schlegel and I traveled to Columbus, OH this past week for an audition at the Funny Bone Comedy Club. Justin and I both did really well and I am super proud of how we handled ourselves. It is pretty cool to perform well when something is on the line. Everything that we can control, we did well.

Here is the one tale:

There were several comics on the bill. A host, a guest, 3 comics auditioning, and a headliner. The headliner was a dude from Last Comic Standing named Sean Kent. He got off on the wrong foot with the crowd and then amputated his foot and tried to feed it to himself. I have never seen anything so painful in my entire life. There were a few guys who had been talking throughout Justin's and my sets. They were annoying but weren't the worst I've ever seen. This dude acted like he had never been heckled before. He kept going back to them. Finally, he called out security for not taking them out. I was standing next to the security guard who goes:

'Well quit talking to them motherf*cker and I could take them out. You on you're own...'

It was painful. Beyond painful into something else entirely. Super awkward.

Everytime you thought it was over, even when they weren't saying anything, he would come back to them and get them started again. Quite honestly, it was one of the worst displays I have ever seen. Beyond that, the dude wasn't really very impressive to me as a comic which once again proves my theory that Last Comic Standing is a load of bullcrap.

If you go to Maryland, come to the show tonight. TICKLE b*tches...

Friday, November 24, 2006

Buddy Jackson and Me

Happy Thanksgiving everyone,

I still owe you all a review of Justin Schlegel and my trip to Columbus, Ohio for our Funny Bone audition as some funny things happened. I'll do it next week I think.

One other point of interest, comedy bffffff Rory Scovel is in the finals of the Seattle Comedy Festival. This fest has been going on for the better part of a month and it is a really cool deal for him. I don't get happy for other people because it is a made up concept...I am just acknowledging how good it is for him.

Now, I mentioned a few posts back that I was soon going to unveil something I was very proud of. Well, that time has arrived. For the past couple of months, I have been fortunate enough to be part of a web-based tv program. I auditioned and was fortunate enough to land a role that allowed me to do what I do: behave like a jackass. The show is called 'Buddy Jackson'. Every week, starting on Monday, you'll be able to see a new episode of the show. Here is what you do, go to www.buddyjackson.com and watch. These shows are all safe for work as there is no potty mouth or anything gross.net in there.

A few points about this:

1) I am a TERRIBLE actor.
2) My acting has improved as we have been shooting but it still remains terrible
3) The other folks on the show are some of the coolest people I have ever met and they are all real actors that are good at acting
4) I realized after a little bit that I needed to stop trying to act and basically be a jackass which is actually acting
5) Unless you have filmed professional stuff before, you have NO idea how complicated shooting things is. That was a bad sentence. Just saying, it is way more complicated than I ever thought possible.
6) I have had an incredible time working on this project and am so thankful to Barry Grible for the opportunity.
7) I can barely watch tapes of myself doing standup...I find it unbearable to watch myself trying to be funny with someone else's ideas.

That's it. So please, go to www.buddyjackson.com and check in every week for a new episode. We get some people watching and pretty soon...something happens...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I Can't See...SO Good

Update: It is 5:30 AM. I just got back from Columbus, Ohio. Justin Schlegel and I both passed our Funny Bone auditions. I will have more on this later as some points of interest occured. Later.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Comedy pop tart Justin Schlegel and I are headed to Columbus for an audition at the Funny Bone. If we do well, some stuff might happen. If he does well and I don't, the car ride will be AWKWARD.org as I will pout as we travel east through some of the nicest highways this country has. I'm really looking forward to it.

"Do no say goodbye...say: 'good journey...'" -Tila from Masters of the Universe

Friday, November 17, 2006

Freedom Isn't Free...

Milton Friedman passed away yesterday. Most people don't know who he is/was and that's cool. What you should know is that the dude changed pretty much every universally held economic paradigm and we now operate according to his principals.


Friedman was into free markets and the inherent freedoms that go along with them. I have argued for many moons that drugs (or some) should be legalized. For several reasons:

1) To shut up the people that only talk about that (thank you Ryan Conner)
2) To create a free market that will allow for real income
3) To eliminate the hypocrisy of having a substance be banned and fund places to help with recovery from the same banned substance
4) To eliminate an ENORMOUS % of crime in America
5) To make the product safer for those that choose to do it anyway
6) To re-allocated the huge amount of money spent each year attacking the supply (which is like a hydra; for every one head cut off, more will take its place); not to mention the danger we put service people in trying to fight drug armies
7) To reduce the power that corrupt, organized criminals have in Latin American countries where the drugs are sourced.

To recap: More $$ for the US, reduction in spending resulting in even more $$, reduction in crime while spending less resources to fight crime, increase in safety for users and general public.

Now, we will never see this. Not in many years anyway. The reason is that the 'moral arguments' won't go away. Kids laugh at the ads targeted at them as they smoke weed. I have never really done any drugs (at pot brownies a few times. A couple of those times were horribly ineffective) but I could have had I wanted to. The point is they are out there, they are accessible, they are dangerous, the country is losing money and people because we are fighting an unnecessary war (sound familiar?). Right now, the 'most free society in the world' as we purport ourselves to be is a hypocrite: Oh yeah, be free, pursue whatever you want...that is unless we find it objectionable (aka, boys can't kiss boys, don't smoke weed in your own home etc.).

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’, because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." -Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Watch This

Joe Deely told me about this. This should be watched by anyone that likes awesome stuff:


I mean wtf.net? Wow, that is awesome. Also, the greatest advertisement for a video game since the dawn of man:

Watch the Gears of War Trailer. Schlegel has accepted the mission. Someone had to. I can't because I'm 40 hours into Final Fantasy XII. All characters are at level 18. Because I was initially feeling my way around the 'License Board' (where new abilities and upgrades are acquired), I made some questionable decisions early on. Now, as I've gotten the hang of it, I have been trying to max out the permanent status upgrades as opposed to the advanced abilities which I believe I will have plenty of time to acquire later on. For example, an 'HP up 100' is far more useful to me at this juncture than a 'Souleater' (consuming HP to do damage to an enemy).

Via internet.com chat today, my special lady friend, in a mock game style show format, was asked to list as many things about me that were dorky as she could could in 30 seconds. Here were her answers:

"star wars pillowcases, chewable vitamins, sandals (FunnyDanny notation: actually, they are flip flops; sandals are for people that go to phish concerts and are fine with the fact that they can play the same song for 45 minutes. I am not one of those people), use of hair spray, office badge, St. Albans sticker on your car, awkwardness (generally), lack of wine drinking, 80s music, popular culture trivia, sports knowledge, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, your movie quoting thing, hawaiian shirts, and final fantasy expertise"

That was in 30 seconds.

The only thing I disagree with is the 'wine drinking' one. I've seen Sideways (up there with 'My Big Fat Greek Shabingus' for most over-rated movies in the history of the world), and I know how dorky wine people are. I'm not talking about people that like a glass of wine with dinner. Whatever, you're taste buds don't recognize the rubbing alcohol and rotten grapes; I'm not judging that. I am judging the dudes that sniff the wine and talk about all the smells, that either know all the kinds or think they know or want to know and act like they know. "Ah yes, the Cabernet will go great with the steamed rockfish..." Really? You're an a$$hole. I don't want to have any association with 'wine people' (like the dude in the last sentence); therefore, I don't drink wine for that reason and the reason that it really isn't good and gives you the worst hangover ever.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Jimmy Meritt Is Not a Hack and I AM a Jackass

Went to Ned Divine's last night in Sterling. Lot of really good comics there and I had a great time. Several quick hits:

1) Larry Poon was a 37 out of 10 last night. I mean good heavens that was amazing.

2) Justin Schlegel and I traded premises. He had one that he hated and I had one that I hated. We exchanged and I think both will be functional for their new owners. I like doing this. So from now on, 'Name a Star After Someone' is mine and 'Whenever I have to make #2 at my office I run into my boss and have to talk for several minutes' is now Justin's. Advantage Rouhier.

3) Now to the title of the blog. I am a complete idiot who puts his foot in his mouth all the time. I basically, completely by accident, called Jimmy Meritt a hack. The irony is, I am 14.7 times more hacky than Jimmy. Even more ironically, I did this in my joke about 'Hacks'. Weird.

Here is how it went down. If you've never seen the joke before, I basically connect things on stage with things off stage. Aka, comics cannot be hacky but regular people can be all the time. In order to do this, I quickly point out what a 'hacky comic' is so the audience gets it so I can make the parallel. Here is what I said:

"You know what a hacky comic is? Its a guy that uses the same stuff as everyone else; you know like the same stuff you have heard forever? 'What's the deal with airline food...and starbucks....' So I went on and finished the joke not even thinking twice. In my head, I meant the following: 'people that say what's the deal with starbucks...there are so many starbucks' are hacks. And they are. They are right up there with prescription drug side affects and my voices in the Hacktheon.

Jimmy has a joke about Starbucks. It is definitely not hacky. In my mind, its not even about Starbucks so much as it is a funny take on those 'inspirational quotes' put on cups. They could be on Carribou coffee cups, or Brothers Coffee, or any other place that sells beverages for that matter. It is a good joke. Anyway, I said what I said, and basically called Jimmy a hack. This means I am an idiot. I apologized to Jimmy last night, and am apologizing again right now. My bad chad (Jimmy). Read his blog on his page about last night. He's pretty much right on...I would have been destroyed.

Other than that, a great time was had by all.

Last thought: I love watching Joe Robinson be mean to a crowd. It now ranks just behind watching Mumma bomb as my favorite things to watch...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The New Era

First, thanks to the commentors on yesterday's blog. I like that you all wore your participants.

The Redskins are going to start Young Jason Campbell this week against Tampa Bay. I hope we are patient and allow the young man to grow. The last thing we need is for the kid to get jerked around and lose confidence. We've got to ride it out. My skins are done this year and I was lied to and that hurts. Don't lie to me. Don't tell me about Super Bowls and then go poop an entire live goose at midfield in a division game. Just sad. At least the Bears came through for me and dominated the giants. So, thanks to Ryan Conner and Doug Powell (my Bears fan friends) for all that.

Is it right to root for the suffering of my rivals when my team is not doing well? Absolutely. This is the way of the NFL, thanks be to Tags. Amen.

If you live in Sterling, go to Ned Divine's tonight. I'll be there which makes it cool.

Monday, November 13, 2006


If you look at my last post, I got one of those awesome anonymous comments where it's either a friend of mine being a dick or someone who doesn't get concepts. So you don't have to go and look at it, here is what dude wrote:

"I think it would be great if Curt didn't let new comics perform at all. Maybe he could just give you and Jay Hastings one hour each. Who wants to see new comics when we can watch the same guys every Wednesday? Everyone loves jokes about Super Mario and ADD. I think an hour of that, plus a few poorly drawn accents and a smattering of mean-spirited knocks on "hacky" comics, would really be hilarious. Thanks so much for saving us.

With gratitude,

The Audience"

Several points in response:

1) The dude is right on about my act.

2) He has obviously seen me several times and I am clearly on his mind

3) He has issues listening, processing information, and comprehending written words

4) I am not a good writer

5) This man has clearly had his feelings hurt.

In my previous post, I argued that new comics shouldn't be given more time than they are ready to handle. No need to re-hash these arguments. Now, if we follow the logic, more new comics can get on if new comics all do less time.

Next point, in other cities around the country, no matter who you are, you get 3. Oh really, you've been doing it for 2 months? You get 3? Wow, you did Dremos 4 times in 2 months so you say you're a comic? You get 3 also. DC is different and we are lucky to get as much as we do.

Next point, I guarantee that whoever wrote that comment is not as good as the guys who I was thinking of that deserved time but can't get it. I'll bet any amount of money Kojo Mante is better than that guy. And Kojo cannot always get on and someone who is awful can get 7 because he brought people.

Next point, despite what you might think, that is why you go on. See, one of the advantages of having done Curt's rooms since their inception is that I know the man. I know the secrets. 'New comics bring people'. Then, after they do it for a few months, they don't bring people anymore. That's why you are on. Not because you're good.

Next point, I've earned the right to do 10. So have the other guys that get 10. These are all club features and guys who have headlined colleges and other big shows. Guys with over an hour of material (even though mine is only about ADD and Mario brothers...and those voices...right...the voices). There are plenty of guys who should be doing 10 and I'll bet the farm, you're not one.

Next point, I am clearly on your mind. Why am I on your mind? What is it about me that is so bothersome to you? You're worried about not getting the big spot at Dremos? Am I in your way? What is it about me that gets to you that makes you read my blog in hopes that I'll say something controversial so you can get a zinger in there as an anonymous poster? You shouldn't be competing with me or anyone else. You should worry about improving. That's what good comics do.

Next point, you haven't heard the joke or you missed it. My joke about hacky comics, if it hits close to home, means you are a hack. Please be advised of that. It's not really mean at all. It's about my ficticious X. Not sure where you are coming from on it but I like that you try and listen even though you're not good at it. I'm a terrible listener so I know what it's like.

I'm tired of typing at this point. What I will say is that there are a bunch of guys that cannot get on as often as they should be able to, and it is better for the new comics who are getting on to get less time so that A) more new comics can get on and B) the new comics improve more rapidly. Empirically, I am correct. So, great talk.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

House Cleaning

Again, per my previous post, vote for Dalliday's video.

-The Bethesda Hyatt does shows on Saturday nights. This is good. They have an intermission in the show which is really bad. Like, atrocious. They stop the show for 15 minutes and then start it again. They are doing it so that people will buy a 2nd drink. Just let the show suffer. Good call. Great way to get people to come back. Rumor has it, things are going to change soon. Hopefully they will because I love performing there.

-Curt Shackelford runs several rooms in the DC area (including the Hyatt). The dude is a beast. I am so grateful to him for the amount of stage time I have been afforded over the last couple years. Here's the issue: the dude is too nice. There are so many comics that don't get on that should and even more comics that get on that shouldn't or at least get way longer than they deserve. Here are the facts:

Comics who get more time early on do not develop as they should. Learning how to torch 3 minutes is so important before filling 5 or 7. People who are granted more time too early, despite what they might think about themselves, are not as good as the guys who had to work for more time (Rory Scovel, Ryan Conner, Jon Mumma etc.). Example: when I used to run Saphire Cafe in Bethesda, we were short on performers. I asked Jon Mumma, who had been doing it for several months, if he wanted to do 12 instead of 8. He thought about it and said, 'I don't think I have 12 minutes'. Of course he did, but he felt like he needed to do that much more work to fill that time with good material instead of filling it with 1/2 finished stuff.

Some disagree with me on this but it is logical. You have to master what you are given before you are given more. Just becuase you can talk for 10 minutes doesn't mean you have 10 minutes. So back to poor Curt. That dude gets bombarded all the time with requests and I don't envy him. I do wish, that for the greater good, he would be more of a harda$$ about awarding time as it not only benefits the shows but the comics working them.

-I'm pretty funny I think. A random chick told me so after my time at Dremos last night. She goes: 'You're funny.' I go: 'I agree with you'.

-I'm not going to jinx anything because I don't jinx stuff. Just know that someone I know could be exceptionally close to being on network tv before me. This would not upset me despite my competitive nature.

-I have to play a pick up football game soon. I am in TERRIBLE shape right now. I'm nervous about this

-I have an average football arm but what scouts called an 'outstanding' baseball arm. I have never understood this. My boy Quinn likes to say things like: 'you have bad hands'. Please note, this is so far from the truth. My feet? Terrible. My hands? Exceptional. Seriously. Toss with me sometime. I will show you what I mean.

-I just realized that I am now 6 years removed from my last meaningful and competitive sporting event (a loss in the conference championship game). I will need to accelerate some things if I'm going to live up to my plan of playing shortstop for the DC baseball team when I am 24...

-Working for the government means that I'm not working tomorrow. That's right in everyone's mouthpiece.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Returning the Favor

My boy Dave Halliday is known for 2 things: one of those things is making super tight videos. He has produced a couple mint things on behalf of FunnyDanny enterprises (Not a company). Now, Dalliday is in a competition against other video makers who are not as tight as he is. It is now our duty to support what is tight.

In this time of election, elect the winner. Here are the instructions: Dalliday can win 100K. Hook him up! VOTE FOR "GHOST TRIBES"


If you have not previously registered with current, they will ask you to do so. They don't spam, no emails, it is just so peeps cannot stuff the ballot box. Voting instructions:

How to Vote Once on the website, click, "Login or Register to Vote" at the bottom. Type in your email address. Then click "No, I want to register with Current TV." Fill out the rest of the form and click "Ok." Click on the Button under "Ghost Tribes" and then click "Cast Your Vote."

About Ghost Tribes According to the Federal Government, the descendents of Pocahontas and her people aren't officially "Indian." This isn't a mistake. Four centuries of discrimination, including the systematic destruction of birth and marriage certificates, have taken their toll, but for the first time, the tribes have decided to fight back.

About Seeds of Tolerance Current TV and the 3rd Millenium Foundation are sponsoring the $100,000 Seeds of Tolerance competition to find the best short films promoting "tolerance." Six films have been selected as semifinalists. One will win $100,000 + $15,000 for a relevent charity.

About Current TV Founded in 2005 by Al Gore and a group of investors, Current is the first channel dedicated to short-form non-fiction content. On the web:


Thanks everyone.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


John Mayer sucks. He rocks the 'sensitive chick rock that plays to chicks who watch lifetime movies and chick flicks'. He is a talented dude, but there are millions of talented dudes out there who can do exactly what he does. FunnyDanny fact: If I can do a reasonable impersonation of your singing voice, you suck. Several female acquaintances believe that I am jealous which is why I resent him. I am certainly envious of his success. But please do not confuse that with my ability to evaluate the fact that he is ungood and you are an idiot for liking him.

Music is in a weird place right now. There are divergent trends taking place. Bands like the Killers, Arcade Fire, the Walkmen and others, are doing cool things with rock. I don't know the stupid terms that dumb magazines use, so I'll use my terms. They are kind of like preppy punk bands. Really neat sounds. Sort of like a cool 80s band like 'the clash' updated for 2006 with some spice. Anyway, its good.

The other trend is for some atrocious R+B to clog the airwaves with help from the white R+B, chick rock. The John Mayers, the suspect R+B with terrible hooks. I don't know any of the names because of the badness but you all know what I mean. That song that dude sings with the Gallery, and the monotone singing lady that sings about 'you heard about how I do what I do and you want to see if it's true'...Brutal. I just had a thought. Lots of people dislike country music because of their simple and gimmicky songs. Well, these tunes and others like them, are the new country. Pop country...Puntry. Bang.

The R+B I grew up with was actually pretty solid. Not my fav genre to be sure but we had some good ones. A dude named Michael Jackson was pretty awesome, Lionel Ritchie (who I believe should be given a medal of achievement for so many reasons), Mary J. Blige and others. You can even go back and talk about Jodeci, Boys II Men, Bel Biv Devoe. Yes, there was some cheese factor but tell me this, if you are hanging out at your boy's house having some adult sodas, and 'End of the Road' comes on...tell me you are not going to sing along and clap on that one part where there is a clap. "Though we've come....(CLAP) to the end, of the Ro-ode (CLAP)"...

Well, that's what my friends do...

Monday, November 06, 2006


I bought Final Fantasy XII the day it came out. Last Tuesday. I've logged lots of hours. I cannot tell you how many but you'd be stunned. Stunned.

My favorite thing in the world. #1 thing by so far; my favorite pursuit/ativity/endeavor/recurring thing, is to improve video game characters. I love building up characters. Why is Madden so fun? The gameplay is tight but in franchise, you can improve your players. Bang. There it is.

I am within a joyous period in my life. Redskins defeat cowboys and save Earth from the invaders of Outworld, I am logging significant time on FFXII, and the premiere of something really cool that have done will be coming soon. I'll let you know exactly when soon but I want you all to know it is something I am extremely proud of.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Blog To the Blog Di Blog ee Blog Blogy...

That title is dumb. That is what happens when you are not that smart and have to write a blog to keep the 'every day I've been at work' blog streak alive.

I'm going to have a new website soon. Evil genius Andy Lopresto, and his team of minions are making it. It will be pretty and will be similar to comedy bffffff Rory Scovel's site but better because I'm immature. When the new site gets released, we'll have an internet party on the intranet.

I have a habit of typing certain words incorrectly on my keyboard. I type 'teh' instead of 'the' close to 60% of the time. This is annoying. I know how to spell 'the' so it frustrates me that I cannot execute this on my keyboard consistently.

The following is an excerpt from an electronic mailing I received today. Two parties were discussing the topic of me. Enjoy:

"_______ is reading your blog right now and laughing at your use of "being ADD." She said, "Do you really think that danny is ADD?" I respond: "Umm, yes. Example: he'll be in the middle of a conversation and then, without missing a beat, forget what we're talking about. He'll then quote something completely random from an obscure movie from 1982 and then move on (to a totally different topic). If that's not ADD, I'm not sure anything is."

I listened to a NASCAR report this morning on sportstalk radio. I am just trying to understand. I can't. There is no way to understand it. It's impossible. You can't really like it. Maybe you think you like it, or are convinced you like it, but you cannot really like it. You were forced to at some point. That is the only possible explanation. Actual quote:

"Well, the 5 car has been running great for a month but he don't have a chance at that top spot. The other cars are better." People should have to pick when they turn 18:

Social Security when you get older.

The most underrated mythical beast is the Wyvern. Never understood why they didn't get more play. They are so nasty in Dragon Warrior. I almost swallowed my tongue when I got ballsy after fighting for 2 hours, instead of returning to Tantegal Castle to rest and save, I went over that bridge a little further south...I met a Starwyvern. He cast Hurtmore twice, I got one shot in, tried to Cure myself, and then he breathed fire and I was dead. Lost half my gold. That sh*t would never happen to me now. I know about Wyverns.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I am bored and ADD today. Yes, you can actually 'be ADD'. People with the disorder know what's it's like. People without do not. It's like how much fun pogs were; either you knew or you were doing other stuff at recess.

Random things....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh go:

-There is a dude here who says 'internet' like 'intra-net'. Weird. Apparently, both are real things. I don't want to see an intranet. Sounds sketchy.

-Very strange to me that certain meats are healthy and others are awful for you. I got the Subway Club today. It has 6 grams of fat. Had I gotten the BMT (also has 3 meets) it would have had 4000 grams of fat give or take...I am sure there is a reason but I take pride in not knowing why there is a difference.

-Even though it doesn't really affect you directly, aren't vegetarians annoying? Doesn't it bug you that they have to always have some kind of awkward order at a restaurant?

-If something happened and the Earth rotated the opposite way like in Superman, would time go backwards as well? I submit that it would not. I think the only thing that would happen is that water would drain the opposite direction but cannot even prove that.

-I realized this morning that I might be one of the most stubborn people ever to live. Then I realized that since I am able to realize it, I just got knocked down way lower on the list.

-While watching a baseball game, I make the exact same comment as an announcer moments before he does constantly. Either reflects well on me or poorly on them.

-The business side of comedy sucks. That's it.

-I liked baked potato chips now better than the regular kind. Nothing comes close to the Ritz Chips though. They are unreasonably good.

-New greatest natural athlete list per last week's blog:

1) Bo Jackson
2) Jim Brown
3) Jackie Robinson
4) Deion Sanders
5) Bob Hayes (Olympic 100 meter champ that had never played football. Signed by the Cowboys and no one could stop him)

-I manage an calender for conference room space. Lately, people will send a mtg request. Then subsequently send 4 updates to that same request making it difficult to discern which meeting is the updated one. Needless to say, I wish I could respond in kind...and it would involve duct tape.

-Chicago has great sports teams right now.

-Washington DC does too. Ummmm DC United people!

See you at Dremos tonight and by see I mean I'm going and none of you are.