If you look at my last post, I got one of those awesome anonymous comments where it's either a friend of mine being a dick or someone who doesn't get concepts. So you don't have to go and look at it, here is what dude wrote:
"I think it would be great if Curt didn't let new comics perform at all. Maybe he could just give you and Jay Hastings one hour each. Who wants to see new comics when we can watch the same guys every Wednesday? Everyone loves jokes about Super Mario and ADD. I think an hour of that, plus a few poorly drawn accents and a smattering of mean-spirited knocks on "hacky" comics, would really be hilarious. Thanks so much for saving us.
With gratitude,
The Audience"
Several points in response:
1) The dude is right on about my act.
2) He has obviously seen me several times and I am clearly on his mind
3) He has issues listening, processing information, and comprehending written words
4) I am not a good writer
5) This man has clearly had his feelings hurt.
In my previous post, I argued that new comics shouldn't be given more time than they are ready to handle. No need to re-hash these arguments. Now, if we follow the logic, more new comics can get on if new comics all do less time.
Next point, in other cities around the country, no matter who you are, you get 3. Oh really, you've been doing it for 2 months? You get 3? Wow, you did Dremos 4 times in 2 months so you say you're a comic? You get 3 also. DC is different and we are lucky to get as much as we do.
Next point, I guarantee that whoever wrote that comment is not as good as the guys who I was thinking of that deserved time but can't get it. I'll bet any amount of money Kojo Mante is better than that guy. And Kojo cannot always get on and someone who is awful can get 7 because he brought people.
Next point, despite what you might think, that is why you go on. See, one of the advantages of having done Curt's rooms since their inception is that I know the man. I know the secrets. 'New comics bring people'. Then, after they do it for a few months, they don't bring people anymore. That's why you are on. Not because you're good.
Next point, I've earned the right to do 10. So have the other guys that get 10. These are all club features and guys who have headlined colleges and other big shows. Guys with over an hour of material (even though mine is only about ADD and Mario brothers...and those voices...right...the voices). There are plenty of guys who should be doing 10 and I'll bet the farm, you're not one.
Next point, I am clearly on your mind. Why am I on your mind? What is it about me that is so bothersome to you? You're worried about not getting the big spot at Dremos? Am I in your way? What is it about me that gets to you that makes you read my blog in hopes that I'll say something controversial so you can get a zinger in there as an anonymous poster? You shouldn't be competing with me or anyone else. You should worry about improving. That's what good comics do.
Next point, you haven't heard the joke or you missed it. My joke about hacky comics, if it hits close to home, means you are a hack. Please be advised of that. It's not really mean at all. It's about my ficticious X. Not sure where you are coming from on it but I like that you try and listen even though you're not good at it. I'm a terrible listener so I know what it's like.
I'm tired of typing at this point. What I will say is that there are a bunch of guys that cannot get on as often as they should be able to, and it is better for the new comics who are getting on to get less time so that A) more new comics can get on and B) the new comics improve more rapidly. Empirically, I am correct. So, great talk.