My post from yesterday didn't make it up. So, 12/29/06...the new streak begins again. Kinda frustrating for the organization right out of the gate. I mean, guys work so hard in the off-season and you come out here...and something like that's just a shame. I feel bad for our guys who were so committed. They were in here every day, in the film room, working out...I'll probably get fined for saying this but I don't care; my guys deserve better.
I went to 'THE Topaz' last night. Both audience members could tell you how bad I was. I haven't really had to a chance to travel to an open microphone for many moons and actually try some new things. I did nothing but brand new ideas. Mabye...maybe one good one in there. Always says a lot about your creative process when you have 10 ideas you think are great, you leave them alone for a week, come back and look at them and then realize you only have 4 good ideas, take them to the stage and realize that only 1 of those ideas might have legs.
I'm headlining the show at the Bethesda Hyatt tomorrow night. My buddy Kojo Mante is on the show. I heart Kojo. He's a really smart guy who has taken to comedy the right way. He constantly works at it, listens to guys who have been there, and has some great material. He's also patient. He's not like a lot of comics who want to rush to get paid. It's not about that. I was like that and it was to my detriment. I didn't have anyone to tell me that I was an idiot. Where was Joe Robinson's blog then? Huh Joe? You selfish a$$. Yeah, start writing advice after I already make the mistakes. Why do I do that? I'll tell you why. It's because you're a farty face. I didn't mean that. Come to the show on Saturday. It starts at 8.
Right now, you're going: 'That's great Danny, but who is the guy in the picture up there?' That is who comes up when you google Joe Robinson in images. I don't do much at work.
My next post will likely be in the New Year. I know this is kind of bush league but I wanted to take a second and say a few things to the couple people that read this blog. Here they are:
1) Thank you.
2) 2006 has been a pretty amazing year for me and a lot of my friends in and out of comedy. I am so thankful for all my friends both in the crowds that have come to support me and behind the scenes that have helped me grow as a comic and as a person.
3) I am hopeful for even more in 2007. I had some rough lessons in the '06 and I cannot wait to grow and become better and am incredibly excited to watch my friends do the same. Each of us has a different piece of iron in the fire and I'm confident we'll all have really awesome swords.
4) I hate saying things like 'help me grow as a person' because that implies I'm somehow awesome now. I always found things like this to be kind of conceited. Example: I almost started crying in Whole Foods last night because they were closing in 10 minutes and I had no idea what I wanted to eat or enough sand in my bags to ask the guy behind the deli to grab me a sandwich because he was busy cleaning up and I was afraid he would hate me because I was delaying his being able to leave. Does that sound like someone who has 'grown as a person'? This is a long way of saying: 'Thank God for my special lady friend'. Seriously.
5) I basically have 2 jobs. I'm so incredibly busy most of the time it's a joke. There are a lot of people who I don't get to see as much as I'd like to and I feel awful about it. It's something that cannot be helped I guess but I hope people know it's not because we had a friend divorce or something.
6) Have a happy and safe start to your new year. Thanks again for reading.