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Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How Could Anyone Not Like You Jerry?

I've come to learn that there are some people that don't like me. For someone who's entire life, literally, is based on the acceptance of others, this is hard to take. I cannot stand it; repeat, cannot stand it, when I know someone doesn't like me. Even if I don't like that person, I am driven crazy if I perceive any dislike from said party.

Recently, I posted a guest blog on the really cool DC Comedy blog. The guys that run this blog do a great job of keeping content going and posting things (not always popular) that spawn discussion. My buddy sent out an email asking for some content. I had something on my mind so I threw it together and sent it off. I don't think it was the best written piece I've ever constructed but I felt like it was a decent expression of what I hoped would be a pretty simple message.

You can read the post and the wealth of angry responses here. The comments are really interesting. Here's what typically happens on this site:

-Someone will post something that is thoughtful and worth discussing. It may not be a popular stance or opinion but it is usually well thought out and from a comic with a valuable perspective.
-Some will agree or disagree
-An anonymous person will attack the person/blog with things that have very little to do with the posting.
-The poster or others that have commented will engage in a written feud with this anonymous person that goes on for a day or two until a new post goes up

That's pretty much what happened when I put up my post. The anonymous commenter (or at least one of them) clearly knows me. He/she also clearly does not like me. The anger in the comments is clear. My point (again, I wish I was more eloquent and clear in my writing) was that it's easy to blame others about why you are not getting the stagetime/shows you want. I see that as selfish and an easy way out. I encourage comics to make their own opportunities because we are not owed anything. Complaining about the manner in which someone books a show is a waste of time as it is that person's show. He/she books the way they book. A booker can book however they want. They can book terribly (often the norm) or they can book great. Either way, they (bookers) do not owe comics anything. We are dependent upon them. My contention is that we have to find a way to make our own breaks instead of complaining about the way that a person runs his/her room.

One possibility is that the anonymous person is a friend of mine who is doing an amazing job f-ing with me. The other, and the possibility that I believe, is that this person really doesn't like me. Something about me and/or this site so drives this person to such levels of anger, that he/she has no choice but to make the harshest comments possible. I refused to get into the kind of digital shouting match that quickly devolves into the 'why don't you kill yourself f@ggot!?!?' It was just incredible to me to watch this play out.

There are some who assumed I was directing the post at specific targets and because I didn't specify anyone, was 'calling out' certain guys. Confusing? I don't get it either.

The thing that gets me I guess is how quickly this devolved. I tried to say, 'stop feeling sorry for yourself and go make it happen'. Somehow, it meant I was calling everyone a hack, telling newbies to quit, and had never offered a kind word to anyone in my 4.5 years of struggling as a comic in an area that is really tough for comics to make it big in. I won't waste any more space responding to these kind of shots because it can only come across as defensive. I'd just offer that I disagree.

That's it and that's all.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sweethaven Bootleg Video

We snuck a camera into the 1st Sweethaven Show at Rififi. This Zapruda like footage captures some of the absurdity.

Specter on Spygate...How About Seattle Bruh!

Am I satisfied with the investigation...I said no, no, no.

Try to make me believe its over...I say no, no, no.I would point the camera at the stuff they wanted to shoot and then hit record.

Sen A Specter from PA is not cool with how the NFL handled this whole thing. Know what? Neither am I. I'm just not stoked to go federal on this piece. The real issue here is that pro sports leagues, despite the big words and demonstrative speaches, have dwindling accountability. They are the only 'game' in town and that's how they behave. I think this is the larger issue here. Forget Spygate (actually don't. I couldn't believe how easy the despicable Pats got off. And it's not just the video stuff; they thumb their noses at league rules and no one says squat).

If it takes the federal government to bring some accountability to pro sports, then I guess it has to happen. To me, this whole Spygate thing is way down the list of important things. What is happening in Seattle, with a criminal group of billionaires robbing the city of a team is a far more critical issue. That's where Congress should be stepping in. Interstate commerce and such. Another place I'd like to see some action is that if a team, as judged by an independent commission (I'd be on it with some other people) went 4 straight years without really trying to get better or made more than 2 indefensible trades, the franchise would immediately go to someone else with the owner not being allowed to profit.

Now listen, no one loves justice for scumbags more than I do. I'm a huge fan of Roger Clemens getting taken to the woodshed, of Barry Bonds going to jail, and of the Pats losing in the Super Bowl and the Eagles never winning one (zinger). It just sucks that it takes Congressional hearings for us to get some sense of accountability from sports leagues that hold us hostage.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bonds and Balboa

Here's what I got:

Barry Bonds' indictment was refined today. Not sure why this is news exactly. Basically, the original indictment wasn't clear and the grand jury today made it more clear...clearly.

Here's a link to the actual indictment. I only link to it because I've never actually seen an indictment. My contention is that the indictment is the most underrated part of the criminal process.

Everybody knows about the trial. People are familiar with the sentencing; that carries a lot of weight. Arraignments are popular; like 'so and so was arraigned'...his wife was a sh*t show at the arraignment. The arraignment is cool because it's basically the legal equivalent of: 'Here's why I'm pissed at you...so what do you think'.

The indictment is a little different. To me, it carries a little more punch. Listen bruh, a bunch of us got together, we shared some stuff with this judge and then this group of people over here...and we're pretty sure we're taking you to the woodshed...legally.

In other news, I watched Rocky Balboa today. It was really bad. Breaks my heart. It really does. I love Rocky I-IV. Love. I will watch 3 or 4 to the end if they come on tv. Always. Everytime. It just kills me that this is allowed to happen. Stop. Seriously. I watched because it exists...but I'm still a bit annoyed. One side note, the dude from Heroes (you should see him pictured right behind Rocky) that has tons of powers is in this movie. That's it. I like Heroes.

This brings me to another thing. Indiana Jones. I'm going to see it because Indiana Jones is awesome. Is the new one going to make me irritated? I hope not. I also wish, sincerely, that it was never made. The original 3 kick so much arse that I wish there was no chance that this new one could stink. Frustrating.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Sweethaven on Sunday

Biggest premier comedy show in the history of comedy shows. This Sunday, Mother's Day, minds will be blown.

Doors open 7:30

Admission $5

Be there.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Soundwave is Back!!!!

Video #2, produced by my boy Gabe Uhr is online. Giddyup:

I'm in a dark place...

Monday, May 05, 2008

Messed Up In Mexico

I'm back. Wow. What an absurd week down in Cancun with 98Rock. I had a phenomenal time. Thanks to everyone at 98 Rock who made it possible. It was great to hang out with the on air people as well as the behind the scenes folks that really make everything go. Great bunch of people and it was a joy to be a part.

I don't have enough energy just yet to write about everything that happened. Here is the basic summary of my day while I was down at Dreams Cancun Resort and Spa.

5 AM- Wake up, walk downstairs to the broadcast cabana for the morning show with Mickey, Amelia, and Spiegel.

9 AM - Go eat breakfast at the buffet.

10 AM - try to take a nap.

12 PM- Stop at the cabana and do a couple of breaks with Sarah (the hottest 55 year old woman of all time. Seriously.)

1:00 PM - Sneak down to the beach and relax

1:30 PM - Meet for lunch with the Theo & Joe to prep for the night show.

3 PM - start the night show broadcast

8 PM- finish our last break, go back up to the room and shower the day of filth of myself.

8:45 PM -Go grab some dinner, a bit of booze, and hang out with the 98 Rock folks and some listeners.

11 PM - Return to the room and crash.


98 Rock has podcasted a ton of the stuff we did down there in case you missed it the first time. Some great stuff is online at: http://www.98online.com/pages/music_podcasting_view.aspx?channel_id=126

Lots to choose from.

Thanks again to 98 Rock and Rob Maher for making an incredible week possible.