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Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

364 More Days Until the Next One

Thanks for all the nice birthday wishes and stuff from everyone who did so or thought of doing so because it's the thought that counts (did you see that Rebecca? 'it is' became it's. I do know the difference it's just that I'm lazy when I type. Why don't you take you're judgment somewhere else? Because it's all good...whammy)

Gmail got pissed off at me and put me on timeout for more than a day. It thought I was a spammer because I sent out so many emails that got 'bouncebacks' the other day. Serves me right I guess. Gmail and I are cool again but you can tell things are not the same. Neither one trusts the other. It's (whammy again) like when a dude you know tells a story about making out with a chick that you talked to 30 minutes before and she told you a story about how that guy wouldn't leave her alone the entire night and she ended up leaving my July 4th party because he was so annoying...hard to trust that guy after that...

8:00 PM at the Comedy Spot in Ballston. I'm opening up for two really amazing comedy troupes: Dr. Fantastic and the Late Night Players. This show will be awesome. Tix are $10 and should be bought by people.

Also, Pluto is no longer a planet: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/24/AR2006082400109.html

Little Kid at School (LKS): "My grandfather discovered the planet Pluto in 1930..."

Other Meaner Kid at School (OMKS): "No he didn't, he wasted his entire life."

LKS: "....What? That's not true! Ms. Jenkins!"

Ms. Jenkins: "I'm afraid he is right. You're grandfather discovered what we now call a dwarf planet. It's really small and has a bush league orbit...so...you're grandfather discovered a midget planet..."

(Class laughs)


Anonymous said...

Well, I was going to say happy birthday, but after that smack down I think I'll say two other words instead : spell check. ;-)

FunnyDanny said...

Available for purchase now on ebay: "A spell check checker"...Look into it. Holler