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Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I am bored and ADD today. Yes, you can actually 'be ADD'. People with the disorder know what's it's like. People without do not. It's like how much fun pogs were; either you knew or you were doing other stuff at recess.

Random things....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh go:

-There is a dude here who says 'internet' like 'intra-net'. Weird. Apparently, both are real things. I don't want to see an intranet. Sounds sketchy.

-Very strange to me that certain meats are healthy and others are awful for you. I got the Subway Club today. It has 6 grams of fat. Had I gotten the BMT (also has 3 meets) it would have had 4000 grams of fat give or take...I am sure there is a reason but I take pride in not knowing why there is a difference.

-Even though it doesn't really affect you directly, aren't vegetarians annoying? Doesn't it bug you that they have to always have some kind of awkward order at a restaurant?

-If something happened and the Earth rotated the opposite way like in Superman, would time go backwards as well? I submit that it would not. I think the only thing that would happen is that water would drain the opposite direction but cannot even prove that.

-I realized this morning that I might be one of the most stubborn people ever to live. Then I realized that since I am able to realize it, I just got knocked down way lower on the list.

-While watching a baseball game, I make the exact same comment as an announcer moments before he does constantly. Either reflects well on me or poorly on them.

-The business side of comedy sucks. That's it.

-I liked baked potato chips now better than the regular kind. Nothing comes close to the Ritz Chips though. They are unreasonably good.

-New greatest natural athlete list per last week's blog:

1) Bo Jackson
2) Jim Brown
3) Jackie Robinson
4) Deion Sanders
5) Bob Hayes (Olympic 100 meter champ that had never played football. Signed by the Cowboys and no one could stop him)

-I manage an calender for conference room space. Lately, people will send a mtg request. Then subsequently send 4 updates to that same request making it difficult to discern which meeting is the updated one. Needless to say, I wish I could respond in kind...and it would involve duct tape.

-Chicago has great sports teams right now.

-Washington DC does too. Ummmm DC United people!

See you at Dremos tonight and by see I mean I'm going and none of you are.


Anonymous said...

Gotta geek out here and defend Superman's physics...

Contrary to popular belief, Superman didn't make time go back by spinning the planet. He went back in time just by going really, really fast, ala classic Star Trek. The planet spinning backwards was just a visual to relay he was going back in time.

Yes, I'm a dork.

Anonymous said...

The water drains in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere...not because of the earth's rotation...

the climates would change, we'd have to change all of the time zones (someone would do it, but I would refuse to, out of pure laziness)

the gravitational force would be affected...the earth's mantle...who knows...

Wind...waves...you name it.


the nerd

ryanconnercomedy said...

i do the same thing with weird sports stats, except only with basketball. it happens at least ten times per game. each time i do it, i look around to see if anyone noticed it. they never do. or they never care.