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Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Monday, July 16, 2007


I had a great time last night in Hoboken. I never thought I would say that at any point in my life.

Thanks to JL for having me on the show. I had one of my favorite moments as a comic last night when I thought of a punch for an older joke that had been all but retired. It's now back and people are excited.

Also, has anyone done a bit about how dumb cover bands are when you think about it? And how this can't happen in any other field? No one is going to see a 'cover artist' paint a Rembrandt...or Phil doing Larry's incredible 'Fall Quarterly '03 presentation'. I thought of it last night but had the feeling in the back of my head that sounded like this: 'YOU ARE A HACK! YOU ARE A HACK!'

I am. I'm getting more comfortable with it everyday. Hacks make it people. Integrity and intelligence will get you a ticket to see BET Comic View: "Y'all know when you be smokin' that weed, you ain't tryin' to do nothin'. Worst thing that happens is you eat yo' mama' pot roast!'

I'm starting to feel my way around up here in NYC. My neighborhood is the tightness. I'm close to so much. Also, walking is a way of life up here. This is not good for me in the summer time. I have a 94% SP (Sweat Percentage) and typically enter my apartment pouring in sweat. This will abade as the heat dwindles but as of right now...the chafing people...you would not believe the chafing.

Working on a video blog. Should be coming soon.

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