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Monday, September 10, 2007

A month of Sundays

I haven't blogged since Aug 14. The excuses are things like 'the internet isn't reliable here', 'I've been busy', 'I've been working on other stuff'. None of that is true. Well, the internet thing is true.

Anyway, here it is. My return to regularity. The fibercon of internet webmastery is back in business.


Last week I filmed a tv pilot. It was a sketch comedy show/reality show that will be pitched to networks and such in the coming weeks. Updates on this as they come in. Completely bizarre/exhilarating experience. My sketch group from DC (Crisis Lab) was thrown into a stewing reality pot with a group from Chicago (Cool Table) and a group from LA (25th Century Heroes). the ultimate 'winner' of the show was the group from Chicago. They completely deserve this. To give you an idea, this group puts on a live sketch show ever week with brand new sketches. They have been doing this for years. My group now has 4 sketches and have performed live once.

The culmination of this show was a live performance at Comix Comedy Club in NY. It was an incredible show and I have not had a better time performing in my life. It felt like being on Star Search...

I was also part of a pilot that was submitted to the New York TV Festival. It is called Codeword Secret. You will hear more about this in the coming weeks. I'll be shooting future episodes soon. This show is incredible and the people working on it are super as well. The pilot was very well received which is good.

My special lady friend is going to a dress bustling this afternoon. Listen, I'm all about women enjoying themselves leading up to and during their wedding. Its their wedding. Do it up. My questions is: when did every single event associated with weddings turn into a party? The bride selects her table arrangements, party. The bride picks the invites, party. The bride tries on a dress, party. Someone, somewhere is really smart. Whenever they figured out they could do this, they made a lot of $$$.

I'll be back tomorrow. Holler


1 comment:

Bill said...

Glad the show went well -- wish I could have been there! And can't wait to get back cracking on Codeword Secret again...