Welcome Internet.com Traveler

Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Friday, December 07, 2007


Hey everyone,

Tune into my show, 'The A-List', tonight at 9 on Animal Planet. The network is airing the first 2 episodes back-to-back. I'm all over 1 of the shows tonight and the majority of the episodes over the coming weeks. Tivo people. DVR that shizzle.

Also, check out podcast #2 on my website. Rory and I talk about a bunch of stuff...you should listen to said stuff.

Last, I'm in DC this Saturday for the Poonanza. Saturday night at 10 PM at the Warehouse Theater. Email me at danny.rouhier@gmail.com if you want to reserve tix.



Bill said...

CRAP! Curse me for not looking at a calendar! Maybe they'll rerun it...

And I'm out of town tonight (stupid extended family...). I just can't catch a break.

BTW, is there a feed address for the podcasts? As I've amply demonstrated, I'm too lazy to actually go to websites to check things out, but if I can program my computer to send its magic fingers out into the interwebs to bring it back for me, I'll remember to listen.

inthemiddle said...

i'm thinkin' less bonadouchey more bonnaDANNY!!