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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Roundabout Way and Fidel

How do you ask for something you know you don't deserve but really want? How do you ask someone to go out of their way to give you something that they are under no obligation to give you? I don't know how to do this. Nonetheless, I want to be included. Let's go to Mexico.

In real news, Fidel Castro (473), has announced that he will retire as 'President' of Cuba. The Washington Post said so: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/19/AR2008021900147.html?hpid=topnews

All it took was the US 50-some years of passive aggressive nagging to get him to retire. Hear that Kim Jong? We are so coming for you. This man will ultimately go down as one of the biggest thorns in the collective side of the United States. He literally opposed us at every turn and has never made it easy for us. This defiant sum-b*tch sat there, 40 miles off our borders thumbing his nose at us every day. Cuba, who's GDP is less than the combined salaries of 40 something Major League baseball players who have defected, has stood as our enemy for decades. Terrible dude...Whoever put him in power was a moron...what's that? We did? Really? When?....Oh yeah, then the bay thing with the...yeah...the missiles and whatnot...awkward.

The impact from Castro's departure remains to be seen but I can tell you one repercussion. I am losing $5. I bet my mom that he would end his term in office via assassination. She went with 'other'. Pisses me off that I'm wrong. Also, please note that the photo of him above was airbrushed.

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