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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Peace Out Abramoff

First, if you haven't seen this, see it and come on back: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/03/AR2006010300474.html?referrer=email&referrer=email&referrer=email

Jack Abramoff is going down and he is taking a whole bunch of people with him. This dude is a total scumbag. Check out the picture of him on the post site. He looks like some 1920s Al Capone mobster. This whole saga really is like something out of a movie with smokey back rooms at bars, and those kind of hats that let you know that a dude is a mobster because when he takes it off his hair is slicked back and totally in place and he has this look like: "I'll kill you dude. Seriously. Are you still here?" The kind of dude that can slap a bartender and not get kicked out of the bar...

January 17th: Satellite returns with a vengeance...a comedy vengeance. We are having a show on Tuesday night at the Warehouse Next Door Theater which is an awesome space downtown. Should be an incredible show with a ton of variety. I am not going to spill the beans (worst expression that mob movies ever gave us by the way) as to what you will see but know that it will be different than your normal standup show with 7 hilarious comics...

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