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Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Finally...It Begins

The DC Comedyfest really gets going tonight. www.dccomedyfest.com for details, tickets, and that really awesome smell of new shoes.

I'm at the Warehouse Next Door Theater (1021 7th Street) at 7 PM tonight, HR-57 (1610 14th Street) for the Letterman Audition Show at 7 on Friday, and back at Warehouse at 7 on Saturday.

Tonight, I am performing with 2 of my best friends in comedy, Doug Powell and Justin Schlegel. These also happen to be the two best comics in the country that are not yet household names (although Justin cannot take a potty break in Baltimore without someone offering to give him a blumpie and a coupon). I did a tune-up set at Dremos last night to gird up my loins for the weekend. Doug was there and destroyed the place like I have never seen. Literally. I have crushed there, Rory has crushed there, Ryan Conner has crushed there as have others. None of those sets even begins to compare to what Doug did last night. A hostile crowd was turned and howled with mirthful laughter and applause throughout Douglass' set. Amazing. Doug has been doing it for 6 years and reminded me why he is just flat out great.

If you attend the show tonight, you will see an incredible show. My only job: do not f*ck up and get out of the way.

Next Topic:

Several weeks ago, I tried to start a blog-off (Your boy Zoolander is rolling...its a blog-off) with Irish Female Comic Erin Conroy. She was about as responsive as a DMV employee on break time. I love Erin. She was one of the people that was really nice to me at the beginning of my 'career' and she helped me a lot getting started. She's a great comic that we lost to New York. That said, Erin sucks at blog-offs. After 3 weeks, I emailed her and basically said: "Will you please write something stupid-head?" Here is what she wrote: http://www.comedianerinconroy.blogspot.com/

Isn't she precious? Don't you just wanna give her a hug and tell her not to worry? Who's my little Irish Comic? Who is it? Who is she? Its Erin...yes you are...yes you are...

Here is why I am pissed at Conroy to recap:

1) She left DC.
2) She's not coming back for the DC Comedyfestival. She didn't even apply! I wanted to hit a home run coach, but I decided not to swing the bat.
3) She updates her blog once a month. For the last time, I am bored! Its not about you. I need this. Mention my name more often.
4) She is from Buffalo. Who is from there? Honestly...
5) We both went to GW. Every time I mention this to her, she is surprised to hear it. Which means she doesn't listen to me which is the ultimate way to hurt this attention-starved mid-20s dance machine.
6) She and Alicia Gomes left me a voicemail once where they made fun of my voicemail greeting. It says that I am a comic. I have left this because it irritates my comic friends. Also, I am immature and stubborn so I haven't changed it for some bizarre competitive reason. I'm not even sure who I'm proving a point to anymore. And somehow...I blame Erin.

There it is. Its out there. Public Space. On record. So come on you Smelly Pirate Hooker from Whore Island. Let's do this. See you this weekend not.

P.S. for both the non-comedians reading this blog: its important to remember that we are trained professionals. Comedian blog-offs can get pretty dangerous to untrained persons and pregnant women should not read blog-offs. Remember, do not try this in civilized society, you could get arrested or slapped in the mouth.

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