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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


My boy Rory loves the band Tool. I love bands too. I love U2, the Walkmen, Vaeda, Notorious BIG, Wu-Tang, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Michael Jackson and others. At least I thought I loved bands. Rory is currently on g-chat with me right now...as I am typing these words. he's typing me Tool lyrics. He's been doing it for several minutes straight. Every car trip over the last few days, he's mentioned that Tool has a new song out at least once every minute and its the only thing we can talk about because of the frequency of his mentioning.

Rory has been on websites and chatrooms consistently with activity really picking up over the last few months talking and reading about Tool. This band does a lot of extra stuff in their songs apparently.

Transcript from a real conversation:

Rory: "Yeah, so Tool...their last album...the tracks aren't in order...there's supposedly a formula that if you listen to them in the right order...it makes perfect sense and it is represented by a spiral on a graph...Some people think they've seen the album cover but Tool doesn't release information and sometimes they release fake covers and everyone's like 'how did you get that cover?'...but like...on these chat rooms...people are talking about the symbols and stuff like, and its so cool that Tool puts out fake stuff and they have an information ban..."

Danny: "Where do you wanna go to lunch?"

Rory: "I have a microwave meal..."

I love it when Rory gets excited about stuff. I really do. But I have never seen anyone this passionate about a band. I am a dork. Like maybe, the biggest dork I have ever encountered. There are some high level dorks out there but I really believe I trump them all. I used to be embarrassed but no longer. My shackles are off. I have a Superman keychain, I remember the code to get to Mike Tyson in Punchout, I have never been beaten in Star Wars Trivia, given the choice, I'd live in Middle Earth at either Rivendell or the Woods of Lorien...you get the idea.

Is what Rory is doing for this band as dorky as what I do with all my...stuff?

I say yes...welcome. Here is your membership card, its a PS 2 and an expository Tolkien text...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
