Hosted the GW bracket of DC's funniest College Competition last night. Really disappointed with my alma mater. There were about 50 people in the crowd and about 17 of them had any idea there was a comedy show there last night. Lots of angry nerds meeting to study and various other people wandered in and were surprised to see humor being made. I totally ate it on stage but, with the crowd on hand, I'm not too worried about it. They are not sending that tape to HBO...
I have included a Miami photo. Zero recollection of this occurrence.
A couple of the kids were really funny. I know a few of them from the open mic circuit and it was cool to see them get up there and do their thing. One dude was a complete a$$bag. He walked up right before it started, without signing up in advance, and was let on by DC Improv Diva, Allyson ('Lil Ally on the streets). This dude, who went last proceeded to sit down for his set and rip the contest and the judges from last year. He was sure that he was being 'raw'. He was actually pretty funny...the same way that a serious injury during a sporting event is funny. What a poo faced taint stalker.
Topic Change:
I wish to discuss a growing phenomenon. Blogs. It seems everyone, including your resident dancing humorist FunnyDanny, has a blog. Is this good? I say no. I am also aware of how hypocritical it is for me to criticize blogs in a blog. Its like asking for gun control at an NRA skeet shooting tourney (underrated fun time by the way. No one, and I mean no one...parties like the NRA. After a few beers and some moonshine, the 'F*ck King George' chants get going. Absolute blast). So don't bother pointing that out. I also realize that its exceptionally presumptuous to imply that I should be blogging and others shouldn't. Well, both people that read this agreed independently of each other that I should be blogging. So, in your face anonymous person that doesn't read my blog and misses the mirth that I pass on.
I shall break down blogs into acceptable and unacceptable.
-News sites about a particular subject (sports teams, politics, business items, informational etc.)
-Humorous sites: (Comedians, humorous peoples with amusing and entertaining tales to tell)
-Everything else. Always. Your blog takes up internet space. Stop it.
As to humorous blogs, this is where it gets a little hazy. Its hazy because what certain people find humorous, is actually not humorous. For example: Sally High School reads a blog by one of her friends where she tries to recreate the 'Burn Book' from 'Mean Girls' (Yes, I've seen it more than once. Its a good movie. Stop judging me right now). A small cross section of people might see it, and might get the jokes, and might think that 'Stacy's Blog' is sooooooo awesome. Its not. Stacy's friends should not have to read her blog to keep up with her activities. We've got cell phones, IM, email, and personal contact as mediums for story telling. Go back to social studies Stace. Get yourself into that elusive '4 year' instead of the '2 year'.
The following criteria shall be imposed:
-A person shall be designated as humorous if he or she is responsible for making humor on a regular basis.
-If said person is a comedian, bombing at venues 3/5 times does not qualify you as a regular humor-maker. Disable your blog until you do well. It'll come...just don't force it.
-A non-comedian can be humorous. It is more difficult to prove but possible. A committee of trusted and established humor creators shall be designated and henceforth be known as the
Judging Every Denizens Incantations Counsel, or JEDI Counsel.
I submit to you the following blog as a case for a non-comic's ability to produce a wondrous blog. Her name is Abby and...well you've got to read it. If for one second, you don't think Abby will say it...Re-think that stance...Because she will. She comes out swinging with a fannypack full of sass. And I like it. I'm going to put a link to her blog in the 'Blantheon' (Blog Pantheon) on the left. Keep it up Tiny Dancer...
A lot of people will disagree with me and say: "To each his own..." These are the same people that don't question why Carson Daily is famous or can give you the rundown of who sucks on Real World vs Road Rules. Don't trust these people.
Bethesda Hyatt Show Sat Night. Starts at 8. Rory, George Peacock and me. 7400 Wisconsin Ave right off the Bethesda Metro. Should be tight like muscle shirts.