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Monday, December 17, 2007

Mark A$$ Buster...

Buster Olney, one of my favorite baseball writers, said what I tried to say in a much better way on ESPN.com. Check out the article. He explains why the Mitchell Report was just a show game with zero teeth...it shows why he is a baseball writer and I am a guy that writes about stuff on a space that literally anyone can reserve space in.

I am not a fan of new years. It's always a hot mess trying to figure out what to do. I'm doing this, you guys should too...then no one else does it and you're a douche. You either spend a ton of money on a thing that is always a let down. Open bar actually means you get those tiny plastic cups with the idea of alcohol in them for 2 hours then its cash bar, or you get pink eye and go to new york and get mugged before sleeping on some dude's pee stain that you thought was sweat until you realized that it wasn't and it was too late to move so you just curl up in the corner of the bed as best you can and listen to your boy snore in the next room into a megaphone that is piped directly into your ear...I'm over it. It's a nice occasion because you can get people to hang out. I like it for that reason. It's like prom every year for grown ups.

People start asking the question in November. You always hurt someone's feelings. It's beat.

The best new year's I ever had was 2000. My boy Attorney Jon and I went around saying: 'Happy Armageddon'. This was the humors because it made everyone discomfortable. I would never hang out at Rhino Bar again though...

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