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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Talked To Larry Poon!...and Some Shows

Check out an interview with me on the really cool DC Comedy 4 Now blog. This is a great thing that some of the best young comics in the DC area have put together as a kind of online hub for the scene in the DC area. They do a great job and they have lots of contributors who are good people.

The interview with me is about some of the differences between the scenes in DC and New York.

So check it. It's good.


Speaking of New York, I've got some shows coming up here. Here they are:

Saturday the 22nd at 6:00 PM, I'm on the show at Ochi's Lounge which is located at Comix here in New York. It's free and an awesome show with some of the coolest young comics in the world. you should come.

Thursday the 27th at 9:00 PM, I'm at Broadway Comedy Club. There is a cool mix on this show of little people like me and big people who are always on things like: 'tv' and 'comedy stages'. You should come to that. Let me know if you plan to. The link above is to the schedule.

Friday the 28th at 6:30 PM, I'm at Gotham Comedy Club. This is another 'new talent' show. I'm a new talent. Well, I'm new to them anyway. Again, let me know if you are going.

I have more stuff after that but it would just sound like bragging right now.


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