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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bonds and Balboa

Here's what I got:

Barry Bonds' indictment was refined today. Not sure why this is news exactly. Basically, the original indictment wasn't clear and the grand jury today made it more clear...clearly.

Here's a link to the actual indictment. I only link to it because I've never actually seen an indictment. My contention is that the indictment is the most underrated part of the criminal process.

Everybody knows about the trial. People are familiar with the sentencing; that carries a lot of weight. Arraignments are popular; like 'so and so was arraigned'...his wife was a sh*t show at the arraignment. The arraignment is cool because it's basically the legal equivalent of: 'Here's why I'm pissed at you...so what do you think'.

The indictment is a little different. To me, it carries a little more punch. Listen bruh, a bunch of us got together, we shared some stuff with this judge and then this group of people over here...and we're pretty sure we're taking you to the woodshed...legally.

In other news, I watched Rocky Balboa today. It was really bad. Breaks my heart. It really does. I love Rocky I-IV. Love. I will watch 3 or 4 to the end if they come on tv. Always. Everytime. It just kills me that this is allowed to happen. Stop. Seriously. I watched because it exists...but I'm still a bit annoyed. One side note, the dude from Heroes (you should see him pictured right behind Rocky) that has tons of powers is in this movie. That's it. I like Heroes.

This brings me to another thing. Indiana Jones. I'm going to see it because Indiana Jones is awesome. Is the new one going to make me irritated? I hope not. I also wish, sincerely, that it was never made. The original 3 kick so much arse that I wish there was no chance that this new one could stink. Frustrating.

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