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Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I'll be at the DC Improv tonight doing some actual improv-ing. It should be fun because improv is fun and fun things are fun.

I went to my good buddy's wedding this past weekend in Memphis. Amazing time and a stunningly beautiful occasion. I mentioned to my colleagues to remember the whole thing and just imagine they were there during my wedding which will likely take place in a high school gymnasium with the spirit squad and 2 members of the high school band as the entertainment...

My final piece of business, is Alex Rodriguez. The dude cheats on his wife. This is no surprise. He probably, as many big leaguers do, has 'road beef' in every city. This is also no surprise. What is a surprise is that he would get caught now, when the jankees are getting their teeth kicked in. Here is an article on how not to cheat...idiot:


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