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Monday, June 18, 2007


I'm not working right now. It means I am pathetic.com.

I just watched a sick episode of Alf. I'm trying to go back in my personal memory banks and I cannot think of a more underrated show. I won't bore you with all the trivia that I remember from the top of my head (his real name was Gordon Shumway from the planet Melmac. He played bouillabaseball. He crash landed in the Tanner's garage when he followed a 'HAM' radio signal. Willie, Kate, Lynn and Brian Tanner...and the cat Lucky. The nosy neighbors, the Ochmaneks, were always around...what were their names? ....hard to remember...oh, Trevor and Raquel and their son Jake. There's more but we'll let it go)

The Tanner's always had to worry about Alf being discovered by the government's alien task force. Constant running theme with the occasional cliffhanger episode that led to other feelings besides the standard late 80s sitcom. If I remember correctly, the final episode of the show had Alf actually being taken away by the government (what a novel concept...providing closure for a character) and it being a remarkably sad thing.

Another running theme that was funnier was the fact that Alf's favorite food is cats. He constantly tried to eat the Tanner's cat but the attempts were half-hearted because he loved the Tanners so much. I just got a little emotional...Alf was awesome.

The only role I've ever liked Ben Stiller in was a movie about the creator of Alf called Permanent Midnight. It's just based on the guy so it's not a documentary.

Anyway, sick show. Funny Danny salutes Alf. Peace out little guy.


Unknown said...

Ben stiller was the bomb in Next of Kin, with Lian Nieeson and Pat Swayze.

rory scovel said...

Why don't you ever read my blogs?

Q.Ledbetter said...

neither one of you read my blog :p