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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dec 7 and 20 Minutes

That's when my TV show appears. It's cool to get to say that. My tv show. Hi there, which tv show is it?

Great question Phil. It's actually mine.

Phil: 'NEAT!'

Me: 'Quite'

I had an amazing time filming my segments for this show (called the A-List...set your tivo/dvr/vcr accordingly). It's a bit of a different mindset then doing standup. My comedy is, by its nature, verbose and awkward. This is not conducive for shows like this where quick clips are favored. They want you to get to the funny really quickly. I'm not a great '1 liner' kind of guy. So, this was actually a great challenge for me. The feedback I got was that most of my clips were too long to use. I totally understand that. Hopefully, enough of my stuff snuck through and I'll be all over this show.

One weird corollary to all this is that I've learned a remarkable amount about lots of animals recently. They handed the comics a fact sheet and you basically study that and write material based on the info. Want some examples?

-Bull Elephant Seal males are 4 times the size of the females. Males roll with harems of around 50 females. (Insert 'pimp' joke here for maximum humor)

-Koala bears sleep for 22 hours a day

-If an alligator's nest is under 88 degress, all the eggs will turn out female. If it's over 91, only males will be born

-The Red Knob Hornbill seals itself in a hollow tree by closing off the hole with its poop. It stays in there for 2 months while laying eggs and taking care of the babies.

-An octopus mom will literally never leave its eggs until they hatch. She lays 50,000 of them and will then literally eat her own arm so she doesn't starve to avoid leaving her eggs.

There's more, but you'll have to watch the show for other neat facts.

Last note, go to my website and check out the 1st podcast. The show is entitled: "20 minutes with Danny and Rory"

It's a good first show. We'll be doing more and getting better. Go to the media page of my site and click on the Show 1 on the audio list. Enjoy.

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