Welcome Internet.com Traveler

Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Standing Water

New York, and other major cities like it around the world, all have one thing in common. They are hubs of activity, culture, and wonder. Cities like Paris, Barcelona, and London are all places of incredible sights and structures. When you move to a city like this, you know that you could live there your entire life and not see everything the city has to offer. New discovery is possible every day. One thing no one tells you about?

Standing water. When it rains, when it snows, when certain things go awry in icky places...you get the still water. Still water sucks. It's always gross and you have to make awkward motions to get around it. Everyone to a man has experienced the fear of a moving vehicle passing too close to them over a body of water...the splash. Oh it's so beat. That 'water' is like eating a bowl of germs and then spitting it out onto your comfortable mesh pants that you bought at Target for 9.99.

No one ever mentions it. It's never talked about; but it should be. It sucks.

Not a lot of substance in this blog. Couple me items:

I'm at Carolines on Nov 20th. I'm really excited to perform at this club as it's definitely one of the marquee venues in the universe.

I also completed a humorous video shoot this past weekend. Look for that soon.

Also, tomorrow (we're recording tonight) I'll be on The Schachter Factor; a fun radio show run by my buddy Jeremy Schacter. You can listen at: www.jeremyradio.com

Last thing, I'm doing a pilot this week. More on this when it's done.


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