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Thursday, September 15, 2005

AC Is for Winners

When I was young, I lost a game for my team. There is no way around it. It was my fault we lost. I was 13, playing on a traveling select soccer team with 15 year olds in the finals of the Virginia Beach Cup that would determine seeding for the state tournament. On the way home with my dad, not much was said. It was a really hot day in August. I asked my dad if we could turn on the air conditioning. He said:

"AC is for winners son."

I drove home from Boston without AC. It was hot and rainy in parts. I got word that Jeremy Schacter (sorry if that's spelled wrong), the guy that won the DC Improv contest (I drove home from there without AC as well) also didn't make it out of the first round. That guy is hilarious. Hard to figure out.
My suggestion? I don't have one. It would be something along the lines of having the best comics advance or something weird like that.

Next week, on the 21st. I'm performing some improv comedy at the DC Improv. Should be a fun show for hurricane relief. Check it out at www.dcimprov.com.

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