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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ask Men.com

Sorry I was not around yesterday. I was home sick. And by sick I mean I didn't want to work. Isn't that everyday? Yes. So then are you always sick? yes.

Ask Men.com just released their top 99 chicks of the year. I look forward to this annual ritual. And by look forward to, I mean it's always a pleasant surprise because I forget about it until there is a link somewhere and I stumble upon it like a drunken hockey fan (take that Conroy).


There it is. Enjoy. Or don't. Not gonna affect me. There's a nice mix in there.

That one is fun, but I admit that I have played this one, every year for some time.

Man, I am on a misogynistic role right now. You can't fight it, it's just what happens sometimes. My old boss and I used to get into heated arguments on that mueller tourney. It ended with me calling him perverted and then him asking: 'did you really just call your boss perverted?'


1 comment:

Abby said...

Scarlett Johansson just doesn't do it for me. Am I not a lesbian any more?