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Friday, January 05, 2007

When Larry Poon Talks...

You listen. Last night, outside of a Pawn shop in Fredirick, MD I ran into Larry Poon and his entourage. Normally, he'd just brush by me like he would any other fan or x wife. Well, this time he stops. Right there. He turns to me and goes:

"I read your blog...Lately, it's been awful..."

He puts his sunglasses back on, snaps his fingers, his driver Ralphie breaks me off a 20 and they leave. It was surreal.
I got a few things from this.
1) Larry Poon reads my blog. That means something.
2) I guess he thinks I've been off my game lately. I admit the youtube vids were a copout.
3) As the group rolled past me like a steam engine, Nate Diamond gets lifts his cell from his mouth and says to me out of the side of his mouth: 'he wants more advice stuff kid...now get the f*ck out of my f*cking way'.
I'll do better I promise.

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