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Monday, January 08, 2007


Thank God. I mean ha! Can you believe that? Don't know what I mean? Watch THIS! If that doesn't make you happier than a pig in poop, than you are a cowpersons fan. If you are a cowpersons fan you should not be reading my blog; you should be at home coloring (one of my favorite Daniel Tosh lines ever). I was at a bar on Saturday evening and everyone just flat out had a better time because of this folly. What a joyous thing to have happen. The Christmas season really does extend into the new year like Jesus said.

If you think about it, this is like one of those tragic poems. A hero rises from the ashes of a broken empire, receives tons of acclaim (unwarranted) in a short period of time, allows it to affect him, and ultimately fails and crushes his kingdom dooming them to despair. This was the original premise to 'Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift' but they edited that out. F the cowpersons in the A with a crooked D with spikes and battery acid. Awesome.

People need to remember something. Today is Monday. What are YOU, the reader supposed to do on Mondays? That's right, watch the web sitcom of mirthful merryment: www.buddyjackson.com. Let's go people, I don't ask for much (lie, I ask for a lot. I'm a d*ck. Why do I do that?). Go there, watch the show. This week is a tight episode...I know, I was there man.

Tonight is the national title game in college football. Neither team has played for 6 weeks. Great system. The idea being that the players need time to study for exams. Coaches respect that. That's why they kept them at school over christmas and had them practice for hours every day, so the kids could study. For the life of me, I cannot believe no one is willing to listen to the 'bowl playoff' hybrid system invented by me. Here is how it works:

1) We don't allow annoying shaggy haired southern alumni to travel down to games, tailgate and intermingle with the fans. You have a window. The window is now closed bruh. You're just the awkward older guy.

2) You keep the bowls. More than half the teams in America went to bowl games that meant nothing. Keep them. The small pockets of people in #1 will still care.

3) You move the meaningless bowl games up 1 week and have a 'bowl final 4'

4) The top 4 teams in the country go at it. 1 v 4, 2 v 3. The winners of each play on New Years day. You tell me people wouldn't watch those games?

It means more money, less of a dragged out bowl season which regardless of what university liars say, is actually harder on the kids in terms of their academics, and a great set up of games. I'd much rather have the argument be about who's 4/5 than 1/2. You eliminate the scenarios like when Auburn was nasty and just watched helplessly, or USC the year before when LSU only had to beat a bullcrap Oklahoma team...the point is, I hate southern dudes that still think they are in college.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I'm a die-hard Cowboy fan. I thought they'd go 8-8. I thought the skins would win the division. oops. Keep OVERPAYING for over rated, or passed thier prime free agents, that's working out well for you. ForeSKINS fans can laugh all they want, but I'd rather sneak into the playoffs and mishandle a hold, than go 5-11. five and ELEVEN! Hows that taste! That said, I still think it's time to CAN the TUNA.-Mike O'Hara