Welcome Internet.com Traveler

Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Video Blog 3: Return of the Revenge of the Return

Hey dudes and non dudes. I'm chilling at the hotel in Calgary until Thursday of this week at which time, I travel to Edmonton. Pretty slow goings in and around the hotel. I found a grocery store that is a substantial walk from the hotel. I bought some snack type foods and even some produce. Those that know me, know full well that going grocery shopping is not something I do. This is a big deal people.

Here's the video blogersons:

In it, I refer to Justin Schlegel as a 'pussy'. Justin is not a pussy. He likes the same stuff I do which makes him a dork...but definitely not a pussy. Ok then.

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