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Friday, June 16, 2006

Who Gets Sick During the Summer?

I do apparently. I have some kind of devastating head cold thing that honks most vociferously. I have been in a shell all day and am currently stealing the internet.com from an unsuspecting high next door neigbhbor. I am not judging, merely stating factual information.

The only time out of the house for me today was a quick trip to CVS for beverages. My new favorite type of person is the apthetic CVS employee. Listen, I've had terrible jobs. I hanged chicken wire with 7 mexicans in flannel shirts in 100 degree heat in Waynesboro, VA for a summer, I carried crates and boxes of Parmalot Milk products around a warehouse (no one should ever drink this brand of milk at any time), and I was a banquet engineer at the Georgia World Congress Center so, I get that you don't like your gig. I get that you have better stuff to do but hey ummm, Dominiqua (that was her name)? At least ask me if I have a CVS card. Seriously. I had to point it out to you and it saved me $4...That's a big deal at CVS.

Not advocating, just spitballing ideas...a form of cattle prod...these are ideas people.

Next week, DC Improv with comic stud Adam Ferrara. Tues-Sunday. www.dcimprov.com for knowledge.

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