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Thursday, June 01, 2006

2 Man Enter. 1 Man Leave

I tried new jokes last night at Dremos after not being onstage for 11 days. It actually went suprisingly well, like the Bay of Pigs invasion. I ate it like a fat kid on a dirt bike. No biggie, I'll climb back on the pony and spur him about the room and prance and make faces at the other kids which tells them that I am better than they are because my daddy bought me a pony.

My ADD is out of control today. To people that have ADD: do you ever have days where its just ridiculous? Like you cannot concentrate on anything? I find that it happens the most when I am uncomfortably temperatured. Today, I am excessively warm. Any task sounds like the most arduous undertaking since the first guy that could talk said: "I wanna move that boulder over there. How do we do it? We don't have wheels or any type of pulley system. We have 0 mechanical advantage. Are you listening to me?"

I can't listen to anyone talk. I also am too restless (that word looks so weird. There are a bunch of words that always look weird to me. Restaurant is another one.) to even complete a sudoku. Note: Sudoku is over-rated, it sounds like a nasty ninja move or combat style that is unblockable if done correctly. Turns out its a frustrating trial and error puzzle game.

The person who came up with math word problems should be taken from his grave, brought back to life, have his eyelids peeled back and be forced to watch people like me get his word problems wrong.

I would rather have super speed than super strength because I feel like you could do more with it.

I now have an AC unit rocking like a champ in my room. Its like a commercial where the product is something refreshing.

I saw X-Men III this past weekend after the wedding. I enjoyed it but was somehow not quite fulfilled. I don't know why exactly. It was cool. It was pretty good but not great. Apparently, if you see it, there is a scene at the end of the credits. I have never heard of this in a movie that's not a comedy. I missed it and am upset about it.

Whoop Whoop! That's it and that's all.

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