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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Joyous Week

Quick hit style:

-Last night's show at the improv with Eddie Gosling was a lot of fun. He's good and he's a really cool guy. That makes it fun.

-Somehow, a bunch of people got some kind of spam/virus/shabingus from me. I have no idea how it happened as I never signed up or anything. This is totally beat. Someone is out to get me. I bet it's the same guy that ripped my act in a comment a few weeks ago. He HATES my 'poorly drawn accents' so he took it out on me with an elaborate fake e-christmas card scam.

-Sometimes in work, we are forced to associate with terrible people. Hypothetically, in my office there could be a horrendous dude. This 0ne pretend guy is about as abrasive as a person can be. This is a man that cannot be bothered to dial phone numbers on his own. He says things like: 'get ____ on the phone'. This is always awkward: 'Yeah, I don't want to talk to you, this other guy does...' We have a pretty neat phone system here dude. Local extension. 4 digits. I will learn you so we can streamline this whole process. Also, go to hell.

-There are lots of movies in the 'Point Break Pantheon'. These are films that, if they are on, I will always watch them through to the end. Here is a quick list. There are more but this is off the top of my head:

-Point Break, Rocky III and IV, Teen Wolf, Die Hard, Major League, Predator, Top Gun, Wildcats, Willow, The Program, and Tremors.

Lots of the above are not good movies. I have no explanation as to why I cannot turn away from them. Other movies that are great, I can go in and out of. I have never been able to figure this out. Anyone who does should get a Nobel Prize.

-Merry Christmas

-Come to shows this week.

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