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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Internet Awkwardness

I have gmail. Its mint. It is a superior electronic mailing system to all the other internet.com providers (yahoo, hotmail, aol etc.). Its got ridiculous amounts of storage, emails are searchable, is incredible about remembering contacts, and its basically like having Outlook on the internet. The nerds at google, have also invented a particularly sweet version of instant messaging called google chat. Again, increased functionality and it is designed to take away some of the irritation that I would typically associate with IM. For example, on gat (google chat. I use wombos. Keep up), it tells you when the other person is typing or entering text. This way, you avoid the 'answering two questions ago while the other person who types faster is moving onto something else' thing. It leads to a much better pace.

Also, gat has a neat feature where you can see if a person is not logged into gmail, logged in but looking at another window, logged in and ready to rap with you, or logged in but not wanting to chat because they are busy. Its this last one that led to my first awkward gat encounter.

2 Players: Me and... Girl. We will call her 'Girl'.

Girl was on green all morning. Not wanting to appear desperate, I held off on clicking on her name to initiate a gat. At around 11 AM, I went ahead and clicked on Girl to start an informal dialogue.

The instant I sent my message, she turned her little indicator to busy. Its been busy ever since. Some would say: "maybe she's busy?" I am not one of these. I say: 'here's a great indicator of your worth to other people. Begin self-loathing 'Scotty J from Boogie Nights' phase immediately.' Thanks a lot Girl. You're going into a joke and its going to bomb. How do you like that? Are you too busy to have the joke about you bomb? Is that more insulting to someone do you think? Like, I insist on telling a joke about someone all the time and the joke about them isn't even funny. Is it easier to deal with if its a good joke? I wonder these things. I'm only kidding about the girl but not about the joke; it will bomb.

Seaton Smith is a great dude. He's also a funny comic.

More later.

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