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Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Radio? Who Needs a Radio? Ready Hairy?

I was lucky enough to do a quick radio segment this morning on wbal in Baltimore. The host, critically acclaimed radio star Chip Franklin had me on. Check him out: Chip Franklin. I did a few minutes as Bill Clinton. Good times. Thanks to Chip and wbal for having me on.

I wrote a joke last night that many people are going to find offensive but I think is really funny. These are the things that keep comics going. This joke will never be part of my regular rotation but I love it. I think that's why that little theatrical comedy face has a tear...

I now have a bet with a lady friend of mine over who will be chosen on the Bachelor. I have also realized that if I met myself as I am now, 4 years ago, I would mock myself incessantly...Scary thought.

I have started every paragraph of this blog with the letter 'I'. Random question: Is there any possible way to start a sentence with "I is" and have it be grammatically correct? Answer below.

I don't watch medical dramas. Ever. They are always sucky in my opinion. I remember when ER was big and every week was some kind of 'must see episode because Doctor X has to make a tough decision that affects him and the lives of others at the hospital'. There are a couple of formulas.

-Formula 1: Have an over the top guy in charge so the conflict every week is something to the effect of: 'We can't try that, we don't know if its going to work!' vs 'If we don't try something, he'll die'. This is hacky and predictable. Shows like House fall into this category. The doctor is this guy who means well but is tough to get along with but always ends up showing a human side. I have gleaned this from the previews.

-Formula 2: Try and make everything super-realistic and splice in really fast dialogue to develop the relationships of the regulars at the hospital. By using real terms and having everything moving really fast, I'm supposed to allow the characters to take breaks from saving lives and having intimate conversations about feelings. ER was like this. When I was 9, I sprained my thumb pretty badly when James Adler threw a pass to me that didn't spiral and caught my thumb weird. I went to the hospital and sat for 3 hours waiting on getting an x-ray and then waiting for someone to read it and finally put me in a splint. Make a show about that. Obviously, there will be occasional times where things are hectic but for the most part, its like most jobs where you go to work and waste time all day until you have something to do. You don't have 1 minute snappy conversations with the nurse you've been sleeping with about taking what you have to the next level and your needs. Wait until after work bruh.

I think that shows like Grey's Anatomy were made so women who have been subjected to football all day can force their husbands/bfs etc. who are in football comas to sit through episodes. That's the only way the ratings could be as high as they are. The 'after football hangover market'.

I told you I would reveal the answer to the random question. The answer is yes you can have a sentence that starts with "I is" and have it be correct. Ready?

I is the first letter of ingenious.


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