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Friday, February 24, 2006


Heroes are cool. Some of them are cooler than others. To me, what makes a sweet movie is how BA (bad a$$) the villain is. If he is a tight villain, the movie can really be great. Conversely, crappy villains usually make for bad movies.


The original Star Wars Trilogy. These three movies are obviously amazing. What sets them apart from other flicks is Darth Vader. No way to argue this. He is incredible. In SW, A New Hope, he is a complete BA that doesn't tolerate failure and is just ruthless. As the movies progress, you see a more human side of him and you realize that he was made into the supervillain and wasn't always evil. Really amazing. The movies are about him and his redemption more than anything else.

Star Wars is also wondrous because there are several side villains that are unique and cool as well. Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, and The Emperor are all really well done.


Daredevil. That movie sucked. Kingpin was not cool. He was a loser and had no depth. His abilities were never clear and you didn't feel like it was that awesome when he got his a$$ kicked.

These are random thoughts that I was thinking just now.

1) Last night, Jimmy Merrit and Kojo got in a pretend fight. A cop rolled up and lectured them. I am still afraid of cops. I shouldn't be. I'm legal and everything but I still get nervous. Weird

2) A girl introduced me to a dude the other night and said: "He's trying to be a stand up comedian". Innocent, but it pissed me off. I may not be good but I am a comedian. 'Trying to be a comedian' sounds like I have a little hobby and I am doing a fun little thing on the side. Just b/c I don't headline the Improv, doesn't mean that I'm not doing comedy. I'm on the border between being an amateur comic and a crappy pro but I consider myself a comic. In fact, since the first time I got on stage at Soho in November of '03, I've been a comic. Its what I want to do and its what I'm going to do. You wouldn't say, "This is John, he's trying to be a lawyer". He is or he isn't.

3) I get nervous around bad comics who don't know they're bad. I think its scary. They live in the same world I do and go through similar experiences but don't see the same things. They have a skewed sense of reality. How can you not tell that you bomb everytime and that you shouldn't do it anymore? To me, some of these people are one step away from talking to the trees and plants and taking directions from animals about taking out the mouthy chick in apartment 4B. Seriously. If you can't see reality and are dillusional about what happens when you are on stage, you have to be a little crazy. 'I've been bombing for 2 years with these same 8 minutes, this time will be different'. Definition of insanity right there.

4) I am going to an exceptionally preppy event tonight. I am going to be such an outcast at this thing. None of my boys are going. I smell awkward. My plan is to get as drunk as possible and see where that gets me.

5) Larry Poon. Poonanza on Sunday night at Staccato Lounge at 8:30. I think about Larry Poon and being Poonified. Check out his sight (its a link on the left side of my page). I love this man. I admit, when I first began, I didn't get it. I was one of the stupid masses that looked at him and didn't understand. Now, I still don't get it, but I know I like it. Like curling...

6) If a guy buys an engagement ring for his lady, should she go shopping with him and then he comes back and gets it later? I hate this. Wouldn't you try and enlist the help of a friend of hers to see what she likes to keep the romance and surprise? It just seems like a whipped move to me.

7) The process of finding a roommate on Craig's List is like going shopping for school clothes with you mom. You know you have to do it, you know you're going to want to go home after two minutes, and the whole time you know its going to end badly.

8) If a man goes hunting and kills another man on the hunt wouldn't that have to be viewed as a successful hunt?

9) Why are there certain words that girls always hate? Like 'moist'. Girls hate that word. Dudes hate any word that refers to female ickiness but girls only hate the slang terms that dudes use. I also hate it when a girl tries to act tough/cool and use our terms.

10) I love it when gay dudes use the terms for them that straight guys use. Its funny when they do it.

11) I don't think its funny when members of different races use the racist terms to talk about themselves (Carlos Mencia for example)

12) I hate apologizing for a bad joke when I'm on stage. I do it all the time and its a terrible habit. I need to tell them that it was funny and not be a lame little punk.

13) The NFL scouting combine is like a college bar at a big state school. A huge meat market where everyone is being evaluated and their stock for where they are drafted is determined by their performance.

14) Rolling solo to a party is hot in 06

15) I made the last one up.

16) Jerry Rice would win on 'dancing with the stars'. The reason is that he is a winner and possibly the greatest football player of all time. He ran the best routes and no one could cover him. People my age are so lucky. We grew up in a golden age of sports figures: Jordan, Rice, Gretzky, Montana, Ripken, Magic, Bird, Bo Jackson and others. 80s and early 90s. Respect.

17) The Super-athletes tv show with Bo Jackson, Jordan, and Gretzky fighting crime is mint. It was called Pro Stars. Amazing

18) This is a really long blog. Its long because I'm bored.

19) GW just lost its most explosive player. Looks like our #6 ranking will be short lived. Might be good experience going into the tourney to play without him but it still hurts. Get well Pops.

20) I'm done writing. Have a good weekend everyone.

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