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Friday, September 22, 2006

Die Hard

I watched Die Hard last night. I forgot how awesome that movie is. I give it credit for being one of the original gangsters of new school super tight summer blockbusters. It is right up there with Terminator for 'movie that regular dudes like but critics scoff at but they make movies for dudes not critics'.

So many wonderful elements. Here they be:

1) Bruce Willis: This made Brillis's career. He was totally somebody after this. Before? He had done a little tv and some smaller parts but he was not big. Ballsy to make a virtual unknown the star of a huge film. He nails this part.

2) Alan Rickman: Before Professor Snape he was Hans Gruber. Think for 30 seconds....can you name a better villain (regular humans only)? You should not be able to because he was the best. For the record, he is behind Darth Vader, the T-1000, and every handsome dude that has done a chick flick.

3) Paul Gleason: RIP man. You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

4) Reginal Veljohnson: Uncle Carl nailed this part. 'I need backup at Nakatomi! Now dammit! NOW!'

5) William Atherton: Professor Jerry Hathaway from Real Genius. No one could ever play the sleezy local reporter better.

6) I'm agent Johnson...this is Special Agent Johnson...no relation. Mint

7) Argyle: I don't know this dude's name but he was on 'Head of the Class' which was an underrated show.

8) Clarence Gilyard: You don't recognize this dude? What if I told you he played 'Sundown' in Top Gun? Now?...'We could have had 'em man...hey, we could have had 'em' - "I WILL FIRE WHEN I AM GODDAMM GOOD AND READY! YOU GOT THAT!"

9) When the bad guys open the vault, the soundtrack plays Ode to Joy and you find yourself rooting for them a little.

10) The dude that played the broker who tried to deal with Hans. "Hans...bubey...I'm your white knight." Awesome.

Great flick.

Other things:

I am at the Bethesda Hyatt this weekend. My good friend and fishing buddy Larry Poon will be there. He's just back from a weekend at the Chuckle Hut in Van Nuys, CA so we are lucky to have him. 7400 Wisconsin Ave in Bethesda.

I wish Rob Maher would update his blog more. That dude is funny and also a good dude. I'm still not watching the Wire...

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