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Monday, July 24, 2006

Blogger Mutha F*(^%#

Blogger sucks today. I had an epic post for you peeps but Blogger has not seen fit to allow me to post until now. Suffice it to say, that the Geek Comedy Tour 3000 ripped the mic at the HOPE 6 Conference. HOPE stands for Hackers OF Planet Earth. The crowd was suprisingly tight as everyone on the show crushed. Great times. Thanks to everyone for being involved in a little taste of mirth.

I bowled on Saturday. This is a superb way to pregame and enjoy the company of others. Wondrous. I did not bowl particularly well but it is a venture that should be done by humans.

The Newer Version of York City, was the sweatiest place of all time this past weekend. From the moment I stepped out of the shower at my boy's apartment, I began to perspire and had varying degrees of lather throughout the day (gentle to aggressive). Complete sweatbox.

There is a place in The Newer Version of York City where you can get 2 hotdogs and a mixture of fruity juices for $2.75. This is good.

I ate cupcakes from the Magnolia Bakery on Sunday. This is the super tight bakery featured in the 'Lazy Sunday' video from SNL. Note: the cupcakes really are the best I have ever had. Absolutely phenomenal.

I am busy this week. Many appearances and social engagements plus the housing search is ongoing. It is difficult being an extremely popular young adult.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.