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Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Move Memo

I'm not going to be at my computer much today. Our office is being renovated and people are going to be moving around like ants under a foot. Thus, I wanted to give you all something albeit brief.

One of my favorite all-time soccer players, Zinedine Zidane, got a red card in his final match in the World Cup Final. Here is knowledge about his apology: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/12/AR2006071201184.html

As you can read, this is not an apology. He is sorry that it happened but not apologetic for taking action. This is the World Cup Final. The biggest tournament in the world for the world's sport. Your team needs you. I don't care how provoked you are. I don't care what the Italian dude said. Your team needs you on the field. You know what? If it was that bad, find him after the game and whoop his a$$. If you are the best player in the world (many would argue but he's in the discussion), people are going to take shots at you. That's the deal (see the 'Jordan Rules' in '89-90'). The Italian dude could say the worst thing imaginable to you and you absolutely 100% have got to let it go. By getting kicked out, you let down your whole team and your whole country. Sub out the dude from France who missed his kick and put Zidane in there and maybe the outcome is different...

Think about it. The Italian dude got exactly what he wanted. Worst case scenario for him? Both of you get kicked out. That's a sacrifice he definitely would have made 10/10 times.

If you disagree with this, you're wrong and you don't understand sport. If you are part of a team, truly part of a team, then your interests are always secondary and you put the team first. You do whatever you have to do to help your teammates reach their goals. This does not include letting someone get under your skin with an outlandish and untrue insult and headbutting him in the chest.

I have a new joke about little league baseball that I believe will turn into a magical ferry ride of mirth for any who hear it...

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