Welcome Internet.com Traveler

Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

One Year Anniversary

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my blog. So as we start a new year, here is a look back on some interesting tidbits from my first year of internet.com bloggery.

Before my 'sitemeter' broke down and stopped counting things, I had over 20,000 visits to the blog as of June 1, 2006. That averages out to about 2,000 per month for 10 months. I'll take that. I can only assume that 2,000 people were eagerly awaiting the kickoff to the blog and tuned in for the first post. This is why averages are helpful.

-I have had several preachy blogs where my peers have subsequently talked about how much of a douche I am behind my back because of how pedantic and condescending my thoughts were.

-I have had to take down 2 separate posts because they were completely offensive. The first was an inside joke that went horribly awry and made everyone hate me. The second, was just plain awkward...and it's awkward now thinking about it and also typing about it is awkward...and the awesomeness of that period is flooding back to me which is awkward...

-I have posted 3 apology blogs based on previous blogs

-I have blogged 5 times about the nature of women

-I have blogged about sport

-I have written hundreds of blogs where I use my own terminology and a stream of consciousness style

-I have blogged every single day that I have been at work since October of '05

-I have blogged about standup comedy in general

-I have blogged about other comics good and bad

-I have provided hyperlinks and promoted myself relentlessly

-I have acquired 300 myspace friends but still trail Dane Cook by just over one million

-I have blogged 9 times about the awkwardness of an office environment

-I have blogged 8 times about items that would become jokes and only still use 1 of them.

-I have had 3 very fruity blogs where I recount meaningful things

-One in memoriam blog

-2,784 spelling mistakes

-I have had 7 posts that blogger screwed up forcing me to do them over again

-I have tried 11 times to post pictures that have not shown up

-I have blogged about politics and made it so that people stop reading

-I have blogged extensively about my favorite network show, 24 but strangely, have had very little devoted to my two favorite shows, The Sopranos and Entourage.

-I have blogged about events, stories, tales, mirth, sadness, and awkwardness

Thanks for reading everyone and I look forward to another year of musings.

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