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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Vaeda and Uno Mas

I forgot to mention in yesterday's epic blog that this Saturday, I'll be at the Laughing Lizard in Alexandria. Show starts at 10 I think. Word.

Tonight, my boys Vaeda are playing a show in Washington, DC. They have also released their debut album today. It's pretty amazing to see how far they have come. I grew up with 2 of the 3 guys in the band and it blows my mind that they are like a real band with legions of fans, a record label, and a frickin' studio album that will be in music stores today. Congratulations doesn't cover it boys. In many ways, our paths mirror each other. Nobody, and I mean nobody, works harder than these guys. They travel and play shows for hundreds and sometimes tens. They practice and practice and play and write and buckle down and create. They came from having to beg to get stage time to getting signed by a major label. They are awesome and I am so unbelievably proud of those guys.

Vaeda facts:

Lead singer Ian Cole and I were in 7th grade science class together (taught by Mr. Haslam). We did a science fair project on what solutions conduct electricity best. It was tight. Turns out, of the ones we tested, salt water was most conductive. Everything was going great until I lost my patience (stunner) and began to write on the poasterboard that was going to be our display. I mispelled the word solutions and Ian's mom got pissed at me. We had to go to a store and buy whiteout and try and fix my mistake. We did but it looked bush league and thus, we were not awarded any sort of prize and only received a 'B' on the project. I apologized a lot for that.

Drummer Oliver Williams showed me my first adult film. He also played on the NW Little League All-Stars in Washington, DC. For Ollie's 12th birthday, we went to his rural country house in Mercersberg, PA. They had a go-cart which was awesome. I took a bad turn and had to stop the cart and it stalled. We could not re-start it because we were both scrawny (I was exceptionally scrawny but I put up 320 in college so get off me...what's that? Oh you squated 5 bills? That's cool...yeah, just go ahead and add 2 plates on their for me...Thanks...yeah, I'll go ahead and bang out 10 under 550...hey bro? yeah, real quick, pass me the 60s...yeah the dumbells, I wanna bang out some curls...sure, 3 sets of 20...its boring but its my life...Hey, you done with that machine? Yeah, its no big deal but I have to do 3 x 12 on the lat pull downs...hey, while you're back there, go ahead and put it on 200...great...Note: I am now washed up) and we had to walk all the way back to the main house which was about a mile away and everyone was annoyed with me...we played Mad Libs later before bed. My friend Ben Luban used the word 'dildob*tch' and we all sort of felt like ground had been broken on something...

Go see Vaeda tonight. Show starts at 9.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Formerly Free Beer