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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Word to the Moms

Really fun time last night at Broad Street Grill. Its a cool room and we need to support the team on this one. Kacie Wade did an awesome job putting the show together. A rather smallish crowd was really into the show and I had a blast performing.

I got booed last night on one joke. Everyone else in the place was laughing and two chicks sitting back by the bar booed. They weren't really listening to my set I don't think and they tuned in towards the end of a joke and booed. Here's what happened:

-The dude before me, who I have never seen before, did some really crass and disgusting jokes. He went for cheap and easy laughs making fun of 'fat chicks' for an extended period of time. The crowd gave him some leeway but eventually, he wore out his welcome as his stuff just came off as mean.

-This turned the afforementioned ladies against the show and they began to talk to each other and not really pay attention.

-I began my set.

-I did a joke about how people with ADD cannot deal with silence and I fill silence with the first thing that comes to my head regardless of how stupid it is. The example I gave is I congratulate a heavy woman even though I knew she wasn't pregnant...and when I get called out on it, something clearly made up and absurd happens and its clearly a reflection of how much of an idiot I am and not about the generic target of 'fat people'.

-The ladies started to listen to my joke right around the time where I congratulate the heavy woman and did not hear the lead up.

-They booed.

I asked them why they booed and the leader of the two (for the dudes out there, classic case of the outspoken chick in all your college classes: dumpy, poorly put together, always angry, self-righteous about tens of issues, ruins your game with the cool chick she is somehow friends with and you wonder if she ever smiles at any point) said something and then started talking on her cell phone.

I mocked this until I was satisfied and then moved on. After my set, I approached the two honies and asked them why they booed me.

ADLB (Angry Dumpy Leader B*tch) again muttered something about: "You comics are such a$$holes...you just make fun of fat women its so essesesssessse...sesessesesessssssss" and then she turned away on her cellular device.

SCRC (Small Cuter Reasonable Chick) then explained that they were turned off by the comic before me (understandable), and they thought I was just doing more of the same. I told her that I disagreed and stated something similar to the explanation above. I also told her that it was important for me to know and that I always want to get better. I thanked her for her time and said: "Thank you only...no one else..especially not your salty friend...especially not her."

Broad Street Tavern. Every other Tuesday. Word.

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