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Friday, August 04, 2006

Warp Factor 10

I have made a slight upgrade with the materials I already have at my disposal to increase my own output...much as was done on Star Trek. It just took some rearranging of some things, theoritcal physics, and the drive to enjoy myself on stage. I now rock (note: this is subjective and in my own mind which means that its true. It is NOT a lie if you believe it).

Saturday night, catch Joe Robinson and me at the Bethesda Hyatt. Joe is riding high these days (rolling dirty as the kids are saying at this time) and he is also releasing his first compact disc. Joe is a really good dude. He's funny. He is also old. I don't mean like 'ewwwwww' old. I mean old in the sense that he is an adult with a family. Meanwhile, I am 26 which is not youthful, but at the same time, I have 0 responsibilities at all and shy away from any like vegans stay away from having any kind of fun ever. Congrats to Joe. I'm hanging out at his CD release party on Sunday at the Comedy Factory. Its not clear if I'm on the lineup of 38 comics or not. I do know, that if I have to pay to get in after hauling myself up to Crackmore, I'll be pissed. Joe, I accept compliments and rusty sandcrabs. Show starts at 8 an humans should attend.

There are so many awesome people doing comedy in the DC area. There are so many people that make it fun to go to shows. I'm super greatful to all the amazing people I've met in my comedic experiences. That was fruity. Whatever. I'm an emotional guy. I forgot how wondrous it is to have coverage of sport. I watched a lot of the US/Puerto Rico game last night and felt encouraged. Team USA hoops might be back. They looked flat out nasty last night. Tightness.

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