Welcome Internet.com Traveler

Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Out of It...

I am completely useless today. I have made 'unproductive' a kind of rythmic ceremonial ritual (Dance...the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance...They're supposed to go to this!). I am totally exhausted from a super long weekend of baseball coaching, mentoring young men, offering guidance, and generally entertaining humans. Great weekend helping kids out but I am drained. At lunch, the waitress asked for my order and after 5 seconds I looked up and said: "What?...How long have you been standing there?" Awkward.

Last night, during the pre-season telecast of the Bengals and Redskins, Al Michaels and John Madden had the following exchange:

Al (referring the Bengals): 'They have 5 guys named Johnson...'

John: '5? They've got a lot of Johnsons'

Al: "They've got a team of Johsons'

John: 'Its team Johnson'.


I've got some audio clips up on my myspace page, so check those out when you get a chance, if you want, like its no big deal or whatever, if you feel like it you can, if you want to or whatever.

Tomorrow night, the super awesome Kacie Wade has put a comedy show together at the Broad Street Tavern in Falls, Church. Should be a really fun time. If you're in the hood, go there and support this show. We are growing and we still need more places to perform!

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