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Tuesday, April 25, 2006


24 was absosmurfly mint last night. What a super tight episode on enhancements.

Super Gay Robot Voice Man (Miles) was in full force reeking havoc at CTU and Karen 'I am so desperate to use my common sense but I can't because I'm an obedient lemming' Hayes showed us right at the end that she will break free and be on the right side of things.

The greatest casting move in the history of modern television is the addition of Robocop as the uber-villain this season. When he was telling my girl Audrey Rizzle that she could still save her dad, I believe him. Not kidding. I almost yelled for her to pick up the phone and call...but she is so tight, she wasn't fooled. Tight scene.

Little Curtis rolling up and handling Robocop's people was half past awesome. I didn't love Curtis at first, but I do now. I love that only a few hours before, Jack Bauer, smacked Curtis in the mouthpiece and knocked him out cold, and now they are top boys again. Note this would not be the case if the two characters were women. There would have been no punch thrown. Instead, one girl would not have been invited to a series of events over the course of time and animosity would foster between them and one day, they would just stop speaking and write 'Take Care' at the end of emails to each other implying that they would not speak for a great duration of time...

I had an audition for a commercial today. Auditions are weird because it seems like they always have you do something that you weren't prepared to do. I guess maybe that's part of the process, but still, it always feels weird when you're done...like a prostate exam.

They had us act out a 'casual improv conversation' based on some things they gave us. Would have been pretty neat except for Talky Talkerson next to me would not let anyone get a word in edgewise. She was interesting and dynamic like two different shades of gray tiles for a bathroom floor at a Home Depot...

Also at my audition just now...HOWARD G. Fricking Howard G! The Senate Insurance Guy...Kiss My Bumper and so forth. He had some ideas for the casting people about how they should run their commercial as well as their casting process. How could you not listen?

Also, memo to everyone: If you have a story that ends with you being a racist, do not tell that story. Keep it locked away in the old 'ooopsy daisy' file for safe keeping and hope that no one remembers when you move to a new city.

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