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Friday, November 04, 2005

The Dumb Bitch at Topaz Last Night

Oh my God. That is how I am starting this blog. I had a tight set at Topaz last night which included taking an obnoxious woman to task. I figuratively took her behind the wood shed and metaphorically beat her about the chest and assneck with a spade. If you have to say something to the person next to you, whisper it. Everyone who is there to see a comedy show (great crowd last night) does not want to hear your repetitive observations made to no one in particular. During your GED classes, I wish they had touched on the topic of 'inside voices'.

Unbelievable. She tried to provoke me into a shouting match after the show. I ignored her which again made me the winner as she once again appeared foolish in the eyes of others.

Saturday night will be hot like scorching flames on pantyhose. Cantina Marina 8PM (www.cantinamarina.com). Be there or face ridicule.

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