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Friday, November 18, 2005

New Hotness

I hate it when you get on the elevator and there are already 3 or four people on the elevator. They are always back against the walls and in the corners only leaving the center of the elevator for you to awkwardly pivot in place and stare down at the floor. I have decided to take action. This morning, I got into the elevator which already had four people. They were all facing the elevator door. I got in, and faced them all. I had a face off in the elevator. They were all facing me and my back was to the door. I rode this way for 5 floors until someone was getting off. I stood aside and let them pass then resumed my post in the center of the elevator. One by one, each passenger put his or her head down, making me the victor. When I back out onto the 11th floor, there was a little extra bounce in my step. Advantage Rouhier.

Jeff Mauer is a great dude. He gave me like 41 suggestions last night to help out some really crappy new jokes I had written and tried out in front of a baffled crowd at Topaz. I am not a very good comic.

I recently decided that I am going to stay in the DC area for a while longer. I am looking for a place to live. I am using this 'craig's list' to attempt to search for a desirable location. It has been quit fruitless to this point. I actually posted something about needing a place and that got responses whereas me contacting people with ads yielded very little. All I want is to live in a house in Georgetown/Glover Park/Arlington where the rent is under $700 and the hot chicks in the neighborhood take turns massaging my back. Why is that hard? Its not. Step it up Craig's list people. Bring your A game or go sit down at the end of the bench with that skinny kid with really bad acne and glasses that keeps the stats.

Speaking of stats, 313 people have viewed my spot on current.tv in the last 3 days. I am an extremely minor celebrity. Check me out and don't forget to green light me you ingrates: http://www.current.tv/studio/media/1078486

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