Welcome Internet.com Traveler

Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Blog To the Blog Di Blog ee Blog Blogy...

That title is dumb. That is what happens when you are not that smart and have to write a blog to keep the 'every day I've been at work' blog streak alive.

I'm going to have a new website soon. Evil genius Andy Lopresto, and his team of minions are making it. It will be pretty and will be similar to comedy bffffff Rory Scovel's site but better because I'm immature. When the new site gets released, we'll have an internet party on the intranet.

I have a habit of typing certain words incorrectly on my keyboard. I type 'teh' instead of 'the' close to 60% of the time. This is annoying. I know how to spell 'the' so it frustrates me that I cannot execute this on my keyboard consistently.

The following is an excerpt from an electronic mailing I received today. Two parties were discussing the topic of me. Enjoy:

"_______ is reading your blog right now and laughing at your use of "being ADD." She said, "Do you really think that danny is ADD?" I respond: "Umm, yes. Example: he'll be in the middle of a conversation and then, without missing a beat, forget what we're talking about. He'll then quote something completely random from an obscure movie from 1982 and then move on (to a totally different topic). If that's not ADD, I'm not sure anything is."

I listened to a NASCAR report this morning on sportstalk radio. I am just trying to understand. I can't. There is no way to understand it. It's impossible. You can't really like it. Maybe you think you like it, or are convinced you like it, but you cannot really like it. You were forced to at some point. That is the only possible explanation. Actual quote:

"Well, the 5 car has been running great for a month but he don't have a chance at that top spot. The other cars are better." People should have to pick when they turn 18:

Social Security when you get older.

The most underrated mythical beast is the Wyvern. Never understood why they didn't get more play. They are so nasty in Dragon Warrior. I almost swallowed my tongue when I got ballsy after fighting for 2 hours, instead of returning to Tantegal Castle to rest and save, I went over that bridge a little further south...I met a Starwyvern. He cast Hurtmore twice, I got one shot in, tried to Cure myself, and then he breathed fire and I was dead. Lost half my gold. That sh*t would never happen to me now. I know about Wyverns.

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