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Thursday, November 09, 2006

House Cleaning

Again, per my previous post, vote for Dalliday's video.

-The Bethesda Hyatt does shows on Saturday nights. This is good. They have an intermission in the show which is really bad. Like, atrocious. They stop the show for 15 minutes and then start it again. They are doing it so that people will buy a 2nd drink. Just let the show suffer. Good call. Great way to get people to come back. Rumor has it, things are going to change soon. Hopefully they will because I love performing there.

-Curt Shackelford runs several rooms in the DC area (including the Hyatt). The dude is a beast. I am so grateful to him for the amount of stage time I have been afforded over the last couple years. Here's the issue: the dude is too nice. There are so many comics that don't get on that should and even more comics that get on that shouldn't or at least get way longer than they deserve. Here are the facts:

Comics who get more time early on do not develop as they should. Learning how to torch 3 minutes is so important before filling 5 or 7. People who are granted more time too early, despite what they might think about themselves, are not as good as the guys who had to work for more time (Rory Scovel, Ryan Conner, Jon Mumma etc.). Example: when I used to run Saphire Cafe in Bethesda, we were short on performers. I asked Jon Mumma, who had been doing it for several months, if he wanted to do 12 instead of 8. He thought about it and said, 'I don't think I have 12 minutes'. Of course he did, but he felt like he needed to do that much more work to fill that time with good material instead of filling it with 1/2 finished stuff.

Some disagree with me on this but it is logical. You have to master what you are given before you are given more. Just becuase you can talk for 10 minutes doesn't mean you have 10 minutes. So back to poor Curt. That dude gets bombarded all the time with requests and I don't envy him. I do wish, that for the greater good, he would be more of a harda$$ about awarding time as it not only benefits the shows but the comics working them.

-I'm pretty funny I think. A random chick told me so after my time at Dremos last night. She goes: 'You're funny.' I go: 'I agree with you'.

-I'm not going to jinx anything because I don't jinx stuff. Just know that someone I know could be exceptionally close to being on network tv before me. This would not upset me despite my competitive nature.

-I have to play a pick up football game soon. I am in TERRIBLE shape right now. I'm nervous about this

-I have an average football arm but what scouts called an 'outstanding' baseball arm. I have never understood this. My boy Quinn likes to say things like: 'you have bad hands'. Please note, this is so far from the truth. My feet? Terrible. My hands? Exceptional. Seriously. Toss with me sometime. I will show you what I mean.

-I just realized that I am now 6 years removed from my last meaningful and competitive sporting event (a loss in the conference championship game). I will need to accelerate some things if I'm going to live up to my plan of playing shortstop for the DC baseball team when I am 24...

-Working for the government means that I'm not working tomorrow. That's right in everyone's mouthpiece.


Anonymous said...

I think it would be great if Curt didn't let new comics perform at all. Maybe he could just give you and Jay Hastings one hour each. Who wants to see new comics when we can watch the same guys every Wednesday? Everyone loves jokes about Super Mario and ADD. I think an hour of that, plus a few poorly drawn accents and a smattering of mean-spirited knocks on "hacky" comics, would really be hilarious. Thanks so much for saving us.

With gratitude,

The Audience

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree, Curt puts on a great show. Nice crowd at Dremo's wed. It's nice to get imput from an actual honest crowd.-Mike O'Hara

FunnyDanny said...

1st and angry anonymous guy might have missed the point. I was a new comic once as were all the guys who I mentioned. We didn't deserve 10 minutes when we started. End of story. Its about how much time underserving people are given that prevents some really good new comics from getting on at all. So, maybe you don't want to see new comics; if you did, you'd agree with me. So, f*ck you very much and enjoy the party.