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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Returning the Favor

My boy Dave Halliday is known for 2 things: one of those things is making super tight videos. He has produced a couple mint things on behalf of FunnyDanny enterprises (Not a company). Now, Dalliday is in a competition against other video makers who are not as tight as he is. It is now our duty to support what is tight.

In this time of election, elect the winner. Here are the instructions: Dalliday can win 100K. Hook him up! VOTE FOR "GHOST TRIBES"


If you have not previously registered with current, they will ask you to do so. They don't spam, no emails, it is just so peeps cannot stuff the ballot box. Voting instructions:

How to Vote Once on the website, click, "Login or Register to Vote" at the bottom. Type in your email address. Then click "No, I want to register with Current TV." Fill out the rest of the form and click "Ok." Click on the Button under "Ghost Tribes" and then click "Cast Your Vote."

About Ghost Tribes According to the Federal Government, the descendents of Pocahontas and her people aren't officially "Indian." This isn't a mistake. Four centuries of discrimination, including the systematic destruction of birth and marriage certificates, have taken their toll, but for the first time, the tribes have decided to fight back.

About Seeds of Tolerance Current TV and the 3rd Millenium Foundation are sponsoring the $100,000 Seeds of Tolerance competition to find the best short films promoting "tolerance." Six films have been selected as semifinalists. One will win $100,000 + $15,000 for a relevent charity.

About Current TV Founded in 2005 by Al Gore and a group of investors, Current is the first channel dedicated to short-form non-fiction content. On the web:


Thanks everyone.

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