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Friday, November 24, 2006

Buddy Jackson and Me

Happy Thanksgiving everyone,

I still owe you all a review of Justin Schlegel and my trip to Columbus, Ohio for our Funny Bone audition as some funny things happened. I'll do it next week I think.

One other point of interest, comedy bffffff Rory Scovel is in the finals of the Seattle Comedy Festival. This fest has been going on for the better part of a month and it is a really cool deal for him. I don't get happy for other people because it is a made up concept...I am just acknowledging how good it is for him.

Now, I mentioned a few posts back that I was soon going to unveil something I was very proud of. Well, that time has arrived. For the past couple of months, I have been fortunate enough to be part of a web-based tv program. I auditioned and was fortunate enough to land a role that allowed me to do what I do: behave like a jackass. The show is called 'Buddy Jackson'. Every week, starting on Monday, you'll be able to see a new episode of the show. Here is what you do, go to www.buddyjackson.com and watch. These shows are all safe for work as there is no potty mouth or anything gross.net in there.

A few points about this:

1) I am a TERRIBLE actor.
2) My acting has improved as we have been shooting but it still remains terrible
3) The other folks on the show are some of the coolest people I have ever met and they are all real actors that are good at acting
4) I realized after a little bit that I needed to stop trying to act and basically be a jackass which is actually acting
5) Unless you have filmed professional stuff before, you have NO idea how complicated shooting things is. That was a bad sentence. Just saying, it is way more complicated than I ever thought possible.
6) I have had an incredible time working on this project and am so thankful to Barry Grible for the opportunity.
7) I can barely watch tapes of myself doing standup...I find it unbearable to watch myself trying to be funny with someone else's ideas.

That's it. So please, go to www.buddyjackson.com and check in every week for a new episode. We get some people watching and pretty soon...something happens...

1 comment:

Sully said...
