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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Watch This

Joe Deely told me about this. This should be watched by anyone that likes awesome stuff:


I mean wtf.net? Wow, that is awesome. Also, the greatest advertisement for a video game since the dawn of man:

Watch the Gears of War Trailer. Schlegel has accepted the mission. Someone had to. I can't because I'm 40 hours into Final Fantasy XII. All characters are at level 18. Because I was initially feeling my way around the 'License Board' (where new abilities and upgrades are acquired), I made some questionable decisions early on. Now, as I've gotten the hang of it, I have been trying to max out the permanent status upgrades as opposed to the advanced abilities which I believe I will have plenty of time to acquire later on. For example, an 'HP up 100' is far more useful to me at this juncture than a 'Souleater' (consuming HP to do damage to an enemy).

Via internet.com chat today, my special lady friend, in a mock game style show format, was asked to list as many things about me that were dorky as she could could in 30 seconds. Here were her answers:

"star wars pillowcases, chewable vitamins, sandals (FunnyDanny notation: actually, they are flip flops; sandals are for people that go to phish concerts and are fine with the fact that they can play the same song for 45 minutes. I am not one of those people), use of hair spray, office badge, St. Albans sticker on your car, awkwardness (generally), lack of wine drinking, 80s music, popular culture trivia, sports knowledge, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, your movie quoting thing, hawaiian shirts, and final fantasy expertise"

That was in 30 seconds.

The only thing I disagree with is the 'wine drinking' one. I've seen Sideways (up there with 'My Big Fat Greek Shabingus' for most over-rated movies in the history of the world), and I know how dorky wine people are. I'm not talking about people that like a glass of wine with dinner. Whatever, you're taste buds don't recognize the rubbing alcohol and rotten grapes; I'm not judging that. I am judging the dudes that sniff the wine and talk about all the smells, that either know all the kinds or think they know or want to know and act like they know. "Ah yes, the Cabernet will go great with the steamed rockfish..." Really? You're an a$$hole. I don't want to have any association with 'wine people' (like the dude in the last sentence); therefore, I don't drink wine for that reason and the reason that it really isn't good and gives you the worst hangover ever.


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