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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Another Example

Here is another example of some idiots with nothing better to do trying to ruin something good:


Self-righteous groups started a campaigning against an NBA team's swimsuit calendar. You have to be 18 to buy it and the profits go to charity! Way to see the big picture you jackasses. Seriously, everyone, stop doing things like this right now. If you know someone like this, tell them to stop it. Swimsuit calendars are great, and so are fun bars and the millions of other things that people enjoy doing that get protested by people like Barbara Rotary. Here's my idea. Ready?

Don't look at the calendar if you don't like it. Let the rest of us judge for ourselves. Rant and rave about your opinion, get a blog and do what I'm doing, but stop protesting things that aren't important. You're a big fan of freedom of speech until you don't like what's being said, then you turn into the gustapo.

How about this quote:

"As Christians, we need to be increasingly discerning regarding our choices of media entertainment, recognizing that our bodies are the temple of the Lord, and we should not expose ourselves to that which will degrade and dishonor."

I'm sure Jews, Muslims, agnostics, Buddhists, atheists, Devil worshipers, earthy people that worship Gia (don't know how to spell that) or anyone else isn't offended by your projection of your 'Christian sensibilities' onto others. I'm a Christian, don't speak for me ever. Make your choice and leave the rest of us to do the same. Run fast into something solid Babs.

Save Town Hall!
see below...

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