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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Maybe You Two Should Talk?

This is an article about the Redskins' punter, Derrick Frost. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/10/AR2006011001856.html

The dude has some issues. A lot of good athletes have to deal with their emotions. Part of what made me competitive and successful, also made me a meltdown candidate. I feel you Derrick. Just punt the ball dude. Let go. Stretch out with your feelings...

Star Wars? Nothing? I am a dork.

The focus of this blog is this: government bureaucracy. Everyone wants to take shots at the federal government's bureaucracy, but I will tell you where it is really bad: state governments.

in 2002 I lived in DC with 3 friends. In 2005 I moved back to Virginia (thanks again mom and dad). I got a bill from the VA department of taxation that basically said:

"Hey...so what's up? How have you been?...Oh...that's cool. How's your job going?...Oh, you're doing comedy? That's awesome. Where do you do it?...Do you get nervous?...Do you do the same routine everytime or do you change it up?...Who's your favorite comic? I really like that guy that says 'Get 'er done...yeah...yeah...so anyways, you owe us $1700 in taxes from 2002 so whenever you get a chance..."

I already paid DC. I called the VA office to explain this setting off a cataclysmic chain of 'PITA' events that made me want to build a fort and live of the land. The part that's funny (although not funny haha, more like 'exasperating to the point of wanting to go postal') is that this whole thing could be solved if the lady I talked to from VA, would simply talk to the lady I talked to from DC. I am at work, I'll put you on conference call. I can do it. Let's have a menage phone right now. but no, I have to submit a written request to DC for my 2002 tax return (3 weeks ago and they still haven't cashed the check for the service payment) and then send the return to the VA office where someone will use it as a napkin and I'll have to send it again and pay a late fee.

To me, there is nothing more irritating then when I have done nothing wrong and I have to go through extra action because someone else screwed up. It is not only the principal of this but also the 'cavalier' attitude of the entity that screwed up. Its always something to the effect of: "Just have them send you a copy of the return and send it our way and you'll be all set."

More like: "remove all your fingers from your hand by pulling them out and then go rock climbing on Everest. Make it to the top and you're all set."

This is never going to end and its infuriating. RUMA

Got to my website. I gave it a soundtrack. www.funnydanny.com

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