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Below you will find the following elements: mirth, joy, humor, mockery, insinuation, sport, politics, comedy, rants, awkwardness, opinions, communacable disease, self-promotion, and lingo. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Learning New Things

I already realize that I am dork. I'm OK with this. I used to be embarrassed that I could tell you the names of the cousins from Valley who were the masterminds of the prank war against Zach and A C on that episode of Saved by the Bell (Stan and Dan Clayton) or that I could tell you that the call sign of the Imperial Stormtrooper that Han Solo tricks onto the Millenium Falcon was TK-421, but I'm not embarrassed anymore. Part of what makes me a dork, makes me a comic.

I get really excited when I am able to teach myself new things about computers and specifically, manipulating the internet.com to my advantage. I taught myself web design and am still learning more about how to make things (Multimedia is next. Great talk) go. For example, I figured out how to add links to other comics blogs on the left side of the page. Look over there, I'll wait. See them? Not really that big a deal but I pumped my fist when I figured out how to do it. Guys like Marshall Henry, who I've wanted to link to for a long time, finally get the due attention they deserve. Its a small touch, but it makes me happy. He linked to me, so I should link to him. This leads me to my next point:

As I am still making my way through the myspace world, I have stumbled across something interesting. In the view friends area, you get to put your 'top 8' up there. Is it awkward if you are in someone else's top 8 and they are not in yours? What about if your boy is in your top 8 and you are 152nd on his page? Should I be mad at my friend Ryan Conner? Should this drive a wedge in our relationship? I am 73rd on Rory Scovel's page and he's first on mine.

What's my strategy? DO I keep them in the top 8 and try to extend the olive branch? Or do I banish them to the back of the line? Then it hit me. We are all good real world friends, but we are not good internet.com friends yet. We have to work on it. Tom, the myspace guy was my first internet.com friend and he is till my best friend in this world even though we have never met in person, we have done it over the web. I'm going to keep both those guys up there because I want our wenship (web friendship) to match our renship (real friendship).

1 comment:

Drumm said...

FYI - your Top 8 is up to you, but the order of everyone else is random. Supposedly you can control the rest too (google it if you want to do it), but that seems like a lot of work.

P.S. - I take a different approach, I have my GF (given) and the seven DC comics I currently like the most...and yes you are in there. Try not to hit your head on the door on your way out...word!